2do list - German Localisation for MODX
<p>Hello [[+uid]],</p>
<p>Here are your login details for [[+sname]]:</p>
<p><strong>Username:</strong> [[+uid]]<br />
<strong>Password:</strong> [[+pwd]]</p>
<p>Once you log into [[+sname]] at [[+surl]], you can change your password.</p>
<p>Regards,<br />
Site Administrator</p>
<p>Hello [[+uid]],</p>
<p>Here are your login details for [[+sname]]:</p>
<p><strong>Username:</strong> [[+uid]]<br />
<strong>Password:</strong> [[+pwd]]</p>
<p>Once you log into [[+sname]] at [[+surl]], you can change your password.</p>
<p>Regards,<br />
Site Administrator</p>
<p>Hello [[+uid]],</p>
<p>To activate your new password click the following link:</p>
<p>If successful you can use the following password to login:</p>
<p><strong>Password:</strong> [[+pwd]]</p>
<p>If you did not request this email then please ignore it.</p>
<p>Regards,<br />
Site Administrator</p>
<p>Hello [[+uid]],</p>
<p>To activate your new password click the following link:</p>
<p>If successful you can use the following password to login:</p>
<p><strong>Password:</strong> [[+pwd]]</p>
<p>If you did not request this email then please ignore it.</p>
<p>Regards,<br />
Site Administrator</p>
The site is currently unavailable.
Diese Seite ist vorübergehend nicht erreichbar.
<p>Hello [[+uid]],</p>
<p>Here are your login details for the [[+sname]] MODX Manager:</p>
<strong>Username:</strong> [[+uid]]<br />
<strong>Password:</strong> [[+pwd]]<br />
<p>Once you log into the MODX Manager at [[+surl]], you can change your password.</p>
<p>Regards,<br />Site Administrator</p>
<p>Hallo [[+ufn]],<br/>
hier sind Ihre Anmeldeinformationen für den [[+sname]] MODx Manager:</p>
<strong>Benutzername:</strong> [[+uid]]<br/>
<strong>Passwort:</strong> [[+pwd]]
<p>Sie finden den MODX Manager unter dieser Adresse: [[+surl]]</p>
<p>Bitte ändern Sie ihr Passwort sobald Sie sich das erste Mal im Manager angemeldet haben.</p>
<p>Mit freundlichen Grüßen,<br/>
Ihr Administator</p>
Remove () and / from alias strings
/[\0\x0B\t\n\r\f\a&=+%#()\/<>"~:,`@\?\[\]\{\}\|\^'\\]/ (Blacklist)
/[^a-zA-Z0-9 _-]/
p>Hello [[+username]],</p>
<p>A request for a password reset has been issued for your MODX user. If you sent this, you may follow this link and use this password to login. If you did not send this request, please ignore this email.</p>
<strong>Activation Link:</strong> [[+url_scheme]][[+http_host]][[+manager_url]]?modahsh=[[+hash]]<br />
<strong>Username:</strong> [[+username]]<br />
<strong>Password:</strong> [[+password]]<br />
<p>After you log into the MODX Manager, you can change your password again, if you wish.</p>
<p>Regards,<br />Site Administrator</p>
p>Hello [[+username]],</p>
<p>A request for a password reset has been issued for your MODX user. If you sent this, you may follow this link and use this password to login. If you did not send this request, please ignore this email.</p>
<strong>Activation Link:</strong> [[+url_scheme]][[+http_host]][[+manager_url]]?modahsh=[[+hash]]<br />
<strong>Username:</strong> [[+username]]<br />
<strong>Password:</strong> [[+password]]<br />
<p>After you log into the MODX Manager, you can change your password again, if you wish.</p>
<p>Regards,<br />Site Administrator</p>
Your login details
Ihre Anmeldedetails
Install "translit" pacakge for MODX.
*You might also have to force setlocale in core/config/config.inc.php: setlocale(LC_ALL, 'de_DE');