9/10/2019 - 12:53 AM

Task 4. Status of your API

""" Create inside folder v1 """
  from models import storage
  from api.v1.views import app_views
  app = instance of Flask
  # register blueprint app_views to app
  # declare a method here to call storage.close()
  if __name__ == "__main__":
    # run app
    # host = env variable HBNB_API_HOST or as default
    # port = env variable HBNB_API_PORT or 5000 as default
    # threaded=True
""" Create inside views folder in v1 """
from flask import Blueprint
from api.v1.views.index import * // ignore PEP8 complaint
app_views = instance of Blueprint // url prefix /api/v1
""" Create inside views folder in v1 """
from api.v1.views import app_views

# object = app_views
# returns JSON "status": "OK"