5/20/2014 - 3:50 AM

Determine from code if compiled with /EHa switch

Determine from code if compiled with /EHa switch

inline bool CodeHasEHaSwitch()
    bool dtorCalled = false;

    struct CCheckEHaSwitch
        CCheckEHaSwitch( bool& dtorCalled) : dtorCalled( dtorCalled ) {}
        ~CCheckEHaSwitch() {  dtorCalled = true; }
        bool& dtorCalled;

        static void Win32ExceptionTranslator( unsigned int nExceptionCode,
        EXCEPTION_POINTERS *pExceptionInfo )
        {  throw nExceptionCode; }

    _se_translator_function pfnPrevSeTranslator =
        _set_se_translator( CCheckEHaSwitch::Win32ExceptionTranslator );
        CCheckEHaSwitch test( dtorCalled );

        *((int*)0) = 0;  // generate access violation
    catch (unsigned int)

    _set_se_translator( pfnPrevSeTranslator );

    return dtorCalled;