Custom excerpt that strips all content but text. Customizable word length, ending phrase and "read more" link.
function custom_excerpt( $num_words = 45, $ending = '...', $post_id = null, $more_link = "Read more") {
global $post;
// Truncate post content
$current_post = $post_id ? get_post( $post_id ) : $post;
$excerpt_content = $current_post->post_excerpt;
if ($excerpt == '') {
// If excerpt is empty use content,
$excerpt = strip_shortcodes( $current_post->post_content );
} else {
// If excerpt has content use excerpt
$excerpt = strip_shortcodes( $current_post->post_excerpt );
$excerpt = wp_trim_words( $excerpt, $num_words, $ending );
$excerpt = trim($excerpt);
// Read more link
$excerpt .= '<a class="readmore-custom" href="' . get_permalink( $post ) . '" title="' . get_the_title( $post ) . '">' . $more_link . '</a>';
return $excerpt;