Check tile contents and trim them until they fit.js
$.fn.checkContentTileSize = function () {
for (let i = 0; i < $(this).length; i++) {
const $elem = $($(this)[i]);
// Find main tile elements
const $itemHeader = $elem.find('.js-content-check__header');
const $itemBody = $elem.find('.js-content-check__body');
// What is the maximum height the contents can be?
const maxHeight = $elem.height() - $itemHeader.height();
// Is the content too big for the tile?
const contentFits = (maxHeight >= $itemBody.outerHeight());
// If the content doesn't fit, start cropping the text.
if (!contentFits) {
// Parts of the item
const $title = $itemBody.find('.js-content-check__title-text');
const $meta1 = $itemBody.find('.js-content-check__meta-1');
const $meta2 = $itemBody.find('.js-content-check__meta-2');
// Line heights to calculate preferred height of contents
const titleLineHeight = $title.css('line-height').replace('px', '');
const meta1LineHeight = $meta1.css('line-height').replace('px', '');
const meta2LineHeight = $meta2.css('line-height').replace('px', '');
// Max Limit for while loop
let count = 0;
console.log('Content doesn\'t fit inside "' + $title.text() + '"');
console.log('--> Max content height = ', maxHeight);
while (maxHeight < $itemBody.outerHeight() && count < 100) {
console.log('--> Resizing', $itemBody.outerHeight());
// Adjust the title
if ($title.height() > (titleLineHeight * 4)) {
$title.html($title.html().substring(0, ($title.html().length - 10)) + "...");
// Adjust Meta 1
if ($meta1.height() > (meta1LineHeight * 2)) {
$meta1.html($meta1.html().substring(0, ($meta1.html().length - 20)) + "...");
// Adjust Meta 2
if ($meta2.height() > (meta2LineHeight * 2)) {
$meta2.html($meta2.html().substring(0, ($meta2.html().length - 20)) + "...");
return this;