9/14/2015 - 2:23 PM

Creating Unique dropdown list of Interest Rates (from XML), Creating Unique table (with content/rows) for each Interest Rate and then displa

Creating Unique dropdown list of Interest Rates (from XML), Creating Unique table (with content/rows) for each Interest Rate and then display table depending on the selected rates from dropdown

<!-- -------------- Starts: Creating a table for each unique Interest Rate ------------------- -->
  $xml_data = curl($feed_url);
	// If you have xml data in another page, use simplexml_load_file(), and if you have in variable use SimpleXMLElement()
	// $xml = simplexml_load_file($feed_url);
	$xml = new SimpleXMLElement($xml_data);

	$count = 0;
	foreach ($xml->children() as $second_gen) {
		foreach ($second_gen->children() as $third_gen)
			$RateItem_name = $third_gen->name;
			$RateItem_last = $third_gen->last;
			$RateItem_change = $third_gen->change;
			$RateItem_lastUpdate = $third_gen->lastUpdate;
			//$RateItem_type = $third_gen->type;
			//$RateItem_type = trim($RateItem_type,"="); 
			$RateItem_type = substr(strrchr($RateItem_name, " "), 1);
			if ($RateItem_change < 0) { $change_Class = "maroontext"; } else { $change_Class = "greentext"; }
			//if !isset($current_table_id) { $count = 0; }  // Check if first item and assign rate type based on that
			if ($count == 0) { 
				$current_table_id = $RateItem_type;
				// $table_needed = 1;		// 1 = Table need to created
			} else if ($current_table_id != $RateItem_type) {
				$current_table_id = $RateItem_type;
				$table_needed = 1;	
			} else { $table_needed = 0; }
// Starts Table for the first time only
if ($count == 0) {  ?>
	<div style="display:none;" id="<?php echo $current_table_id; ?>" class="dataTable greybrdr interest_rate_box">
		<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="5" class="titleDataTable lightbluebg ar">
					<th>Last Update</th></tr>
		<div class="scrolltbl scrollbarTr">
				<?php } 
				// Ends first time table creation
				// Start New Rate type case: Close existing table and start a new one for each New Rate type
				if ($table_needed == 1) { 
	<div style="display:none;" id="<?php echo $current_table_id; ?>" >
			<th>Last Update</th></tr>
			<?php } 
			// Ends New Rate type case: Close existing table and start a new one for each New Rate type
			// Adds Rows (Interest Rates Information & Content)
			<tr class="bbrdr">
				<td width="45%" class="txtalleft">
					<a style="font-size:11px;"><?php echo $RateItem_name; ?></a>
				<td width="15%" class="txtallright"><?php echo $RateItem_last; ?></td>
				<td width="15%" class="txtallright <?php echo $change_Class; ?>"><?php echo $RateItem_change; ?></td>
				<td width="25%" class="txtallright"><?php echo $RateItem_lastUpdate; ?></td>
			$count = 1;
			} } 
			<!-- Close Table after all loops done -->
			<name>Russian Rouble 1 Year MOWIBOR</name>
			<lastUpdate>12:00 AM 1/1/0001</lastUpdate>
			<name>Russian Rouble 1 Year MOWIBOR</name>
			<lastUpdate>12:00 AM 1/1/0001</lastUpdate>
	var selectedItem = $('#interestItems').val();
		$('#All').css("display", "block");

		$('.interest_rate_box').css("display", "none");
		var selectedItem = $('#interestItems').val();
		var selectedRateTable = '#'+selectedItem;
		$(selectedRateTable).css("display", "block");
		// alert(selectedRateTable);
		//$(selectedDiv+" .titleDataTable th").text(selectedItem);
<!-- Create Interest Rates Dropdown. Selecting any rate will display table of that interest rate data -->
<select name="interestItems" id="interestItems" class="styledGrayMedium" selected="selected">
	<option value="All">All</option>
	$rate_type_list = array();
	if ($xml) {
		foreach ($xml->children() as $second_gen) {
			foreach ($second_gen->children() as $third_gen)
				// 2 ways to collect different interst rate types 1) using $third_gen->type or extract from $third_gen->name
				// $RateItem_type = $third_gen->type;
				$RateItem_name = $third_gen->name;
				// array_push($rate_type_list,$RateItem_type);
				$RateItem_type = substr(strrchr($RateItem_name, " "), 1);
	$unique_rate_type = array_unique ($rate_type_list);
	foreach ($unique_rate_type as $rate_type) {
		echo "<option val='$rate_type'>$rate_type</option>";