8/25/2016 - 6:55 PM

My skills

My skills


This isn't a Linkedin URL. This is a (hastily put together*) list of skills.

  • 4 years experience programming
  • 2 years Django experience (= web/HTTP/TCP experience too, for the HR managers out there ;) )
  • 1.5 years android experience
  • Decent git/github experience
  • High level of knowledge in security topics, esp. offensive security (the best way to defend your site is to try to attack it like an outsider!)
  • Strategic planning


  • Python - Expert
  • Java - High
  • C++ - Medium
  • HTML/CSS - Medium
  • javascript - High, but a bit rusty
  • SQL - Medium
    • It's mostly because Django doesn't make you write SQL. But how hard can SQL be?


  • Funny
  • Casual (you can probably already tell)
    • that's company culture for you, HR manager! :)

Please contact me at my email, instead of phone.

*hey, I didn't expect a job application from Code Fights!