11/22/2018 - 3:34 PM


Write a function 'transformFirstAndLast' that takes in an array, and returns an object with:

  1. the first element of the array as the object's key, and
  2. the last element of the array as that key's value. Example input: ['Queen', 'Elizabeth', 'Of Hearts', 'Beyonce'] Function's return value (output): { Queen : 'Beyonce' } Do not change the input array. Assume all elements in the input array will be of type 'string'. Note that the input array may have a varying number of elements. Your code should flexibly accommodate that. E.g. it should handle input like: ['Kevin', 'Bacon', 'Love', 'Hart', 'Costner', 'Spacey'] Function's return value (output): { Kevin : 'Spacey' } Starter Code function transformFirstAndLast(array) { // your code here }
      function transformFirstAndLast(array) {
        let a = {};
        array.length > 0 ? (a[array.shift()] = array.pop()) : null;
        return a;

        transformFirstAndLast(["Queen", "Elizabeth", "Of Hearts", "Beyonce"])