Navigating the Food Chain (3-8)
* Programming Quiz - Navigating the Food Chain (3-8)
* Use a series of ternary operator to set the category to one of the following:
* - "herbivore" if an animal eats plants
* - "carnivore" if an animal eats animals
* - "omnivore" if an animal eats plants and animals
* - undefined if an animal doesn't eat plants or animals
* Notes
* - use the variables `eatsPlants` and `eatsAnimals` in your ternary expressions
* - `if` statements aren't allowed ;-)
// change the values of `eatsPlants` and `eatsAnimals` to test your code
var eatsPlants = false;
var eatsAnimals = false;
var category = eatsPlants ? (eatsAnimals ? "omnivore" : "herbivore") : (eatsAnimals ? "carnivore" : undefined);