Flex/Actionscript Side
public class Item extends RxTreeModel {
public static var sortString:String = '';
public static const LABEL:String = "whatever";
public function Item() {
sortString == 'id' ? super('id') : super(LABEL);
[Bindable] public var selectedTile:Object;
private function draged(event:DragEvent):void {
// sets the sortString variable to 'id' so that the dataProvider shows your ids
Item.sortString = 'id';
// Rx.http().invoke() is used to call non-Restful actions on your controller
// "items/reorder" tells it to go to the reorder action of the items controller
// {id: val, order: next_val} is passing paramaters
// you call can call these in your ruby controller action via params[:id] and params[:order]
Rx.http().invoke("items/reorder", {id: selectedTile.id, order: idOfTileList.dataProvider});
<TileList id="idOfTileList" itemRenderer="if.you.want.a.TileListRenderer"
dragComplete="draged(event)" change="{selectedTile = idOfTileList.selectedItem}"
width="100%" height="100%" columnWidth="270" rowHeight="135"
dragEnabled="true" dragMoveEnabled="true" dropEnabled="true"/>
# if you are adding additional actions onto a restful resource, you define a collection method
map.resources :items, :collection => {:reorder => :get}
class Item < ActiveRecord::Base
def reorder
# first get the Item that you are moving
@item = Item.find(params[:id])
# this is how we get the dropped index of the item
# first we use the split method to convert the string into an array
# next we find the index of the current item
# we convert that string to an integer and add 1 since ruby array's are 0 based
@position = params[:order].split(',').index(params[:id]).to_i + 1
# acts_as_list method, does the rest of the magic for you
@item.insert_at @position
# render nothing so you don't get MissingTemplate errors
render :nothing => :true