These are basic typings for Feathers.js based off of those in DefinitelyTyped for Express. This doesn't type feathers plugins, but does have some interfaces that can be used in them. WIP.
// Type definitions for Feathers
// Project:
// Definitions by: Jack Guy <>
// Definitions:
import { Application, Handler, ErrorRequestHandler } from 'express';
type HandlerArgument = Handler | Handler[];
export = Feathers;
declare function Feathers(): Feathers.FeathersApp;
declare namespace Feathers {
// The app object returned from the feathers() constructor. Based on an Express app.
export interface FeathersApp extends Application {
// The version of Feathers from package.json
version: string;
methods: ['find', 'get', 'create', 'update', 'patch', 'remove'];
services: any;
providers: any[];
// Since configure was removed from Express
configure(Function): this;
service(location: string): service.FeathersServiceInstance<any>;
// Mixture of Express and Feathers - we have to duplicate these because there's no way
// in TypeScript to "override" an extends. So we rewrite them all, express included.
use(location: string, service: service.FeathersServiceConfig): this; // Feathers
use(...handlers: HandlerArgument[]): this; // Express
use(mountPoint: string | RegExp | (string | RegExp)[], ...handlers: HandlerArgument[]): this; // Express
use(errorHandler: ErrorRequestHandler);
setup(app: FeathersApp);
// Expose these to users for typings their hook creations
export type Hooks = hooks.FeathersHooks;
export type Hook<Resource> = hooks.FeathersHook<Resource>;
// Contains the typings for service-related features
declare namespace service {
// The Events that can be subscribed to
type FeathersEvent = 'create' | 'update' | 'patch' | 'remove';
// Shared methods between a FeathersService and it's instance
interface FeathersServiceMethods<Resource> {
find?(params: FeathersParams, callback?: Function): PromiseLike<FeathersPage<Resource>>;
get?(id: any, params: FeathersParams, callback?: Function): PromiseLike<Resource>;
create?(data: Resource, params: FeathersParams, callback?: Function): PromiseLike<Resource>;
update?(id: any, data: Resource, params: FeathersParams, callback?: Function): PromiseLike<Resource>;
patch?(id: any, data: Resource, params: FeathersParams, callback?: Function): PromiseLike<Resource>;
remove?(id: any, params: FeathersParams, callback?: Function): PromiseLike<Resource>;
// The returned / retrievable feathers.service (e.g. app.service('/users'))
interface FeathersServiceInstance<Resource> extends FeathersServiceMethods<Resource> {
before(hooks: hooks.FeathersHooks);
after(hooks: hooks.FeathersHooks);
on(event: FeathersEvent, callback: { (Resource): any });
// The interface that a new service object would implement
interface FeathersService<Resource> extends FeathersServiceMethods<Resource> {
(FeathersServiceConfig): FeathersServiceInstance<Resource>;
setup?(app: Feathers.FeathersApp, path?: string)
// Change pagination for a 'find' service call
interface FeathersFindConfig {
paginate?: {
default?: number;
max?: number;
} | boolean;
// Customize the creation of a feathers service
interface FeathersServiceConfig extends FeathersFindConfig {
before?: hooks.FeathersHooks;
after?: hooks.FeathersHooks;
// The parameters used by feathers services
interface FeathersParams {
query: any;
data: any;
result: any;
// Paginated resources returned by find
interface FeathersPage<Resource> {
total: number;
limit: number;
skip: number;
data: Resource[];
// Contains the typings for hook-related features
declare namespace hooks {
// The typings for the "hook" parameter in hook functions
interface FeathersHookInputBase {
method: string;
type: 'before' | 'after';
callback: Function;
params: any;
data: any;
app: Feathers.FeathersApp;
// We have an individual parameter typing for each hook type
interface FeathersHookInputGet extends FeathersHookInputBase { id: any; }
interface FeathersHookInputFind extends FeathersHookInputBase { }
interface FeathersHookInputCreate extends FeathersHookInputBase { data: any; }
interface FeathersHookInputUpdate extends FeathersHookInputBase { data: any; id: any; }
interface FeathersHookInputPatch extends FeathersHookInputBase { data: any; id: any; }
interface FeathersHookInputRemove extends FeathersHookInputBase { data: any; id: any; }
type FeathersHookInputAll =
FeathersHookInputGet | FeathersHookInputFind | FeathersHookInputCreate |
FeathersHookInputUpdate | FeathersHookInputPatch | FeathersHookInputRemove;
// The type of an actual hook function
interface FeathersHook<Input> {
(hook: Input): PromiseLike<any> | void
// Either an array of hooks or a single hook -
// so we don't have to rewrite a super complicated type each time
type FeatherHookArrayOrHook<Input> = Array<FeathersHook<Input>> | FeathersHook<Input>;
interface FeathersHooks {
all?: FeatherHookArrayOrHook<FeathersHookInputAll>;
find?: FeatherHookArrayOrHook<FeathersHookInputFind>;
get?: FeatherHookArrayOrHook<FeathersHookInputGet>;
create?: FeatherHookArrayOrHook<FeathersHookInputCreate>;
update?: FeatherHookArrayOrHook<FeathersHookInputUpdate>;
patch?: FeatherHookArrayOrHook<FeathersHookInputPatch>;
remove?: FeatherHookArrayOrHook<FeathersHookInputRemove>;