3/13/2020 - 11:57 AM

preference screenのexample


import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:prefs_config/prefs_config.dart';

void main() => runApp(new PrefsExample());

class PrefsExample extends StatefulWidget {
  _PrefsExampleState createState() => _PrefsExampleState();

class _PrefsExampleState extends State<PrefsExample> {
  Prefs p;
  String prefScreenTitle;

  void initState() {
    // Title used by the generated preference screen.
    this.prefScreenTitle = "Example Settings";

    // List of options used in the example list preference
    Map<int, String> myList = Map();
    for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++)
      myList[i] = 'Option ' + (i + 1).toString();

    /// The Pref Object uses the following properties:
    /// prefKey: Unique identifier key used to identify the preference.
    /// type: Integer-based category denoting preference type.
    /// defVal: Dynamic property denoting the default value of the preference.
    /// label: The title of the preference used in the prefs screen.
    /// description: Description text for the preference used in the prefs screen.
    /// visible: Whether a preference is editable via the prefs screen.
    /// enabled: Whether a preference is enabled (does not affect headers).
    /// format: An optional value that affects the behaviour/appearance of the preference when edited.
    /// Additional notes to properties are below.
    List<Pref> prefs = [
          prefKey: "txt_plain",
          type: Pref.TYPE_TEXT,
          defVal: "foobar",
          min: 1, // Minimum length of text preference - 1 means cannot be empty.
          max: 10, // Maximum length of text preference.
          label: "Text Pref",
          description: "This is a Text Setting"
          prefKey: "txt_hidden",
          type: Pref.TYPE_TEXT,
          defVal: "foobar",
          visible: false
          prefKey: "bol_switch",
          type: Pref.TYPE_BOOL,
          defVal: false,
          label: "Bool Switch Pref",
          format: Pref.FORMAT_BOOL_SWITCH,
          description: "This is a Bool Switch Setting"
          prefKey: "bol_switch_dis",
          type: Pref.TYPE_BOOL,
          defVal: false,
          label: "Bool Switch Pref (disabled)",
          enabled: false,
          format: Pref.FORMAT_BOOL_SWITCH,
          description: "This is a Bool Switch Setting"
          prefKey: "lst_options1",
          type: Pref.TYPE_LIST,
          defVal: 6,
          label: "List Pref",
          format: Pref.FORMAT_LIST_DIALOG,
          listItems: myList,
          description: "This is a Dialog List Setting"
          prefKey: "lst_options2",
          type: Pref.TYPE_LIST,
          defVal: 6,
          label: "List Pref",
          listItems: myList,
          description: "This is a Dropdown List Setting"
          prefKey: "bol_check",
          type: Pref.TYPE_BOOL,
          defVal: false,
          label: "Bool CheckboxPref",
          format: Pref.FORMAT_BOOL_CHECKBOX,
          description: "This is a Bool Checkbox Setting"
          prefKey: "txt_number",
          type: Pref.TYPE_INT,
          defVal: 45,
          label: "Number Pref",
          description: "This is a Number Textbox Setting"
          prefKey: "sdr_number",
          type: Pref.TYPE_INT,
          defVal: 45,
          min: 0, // Minimum value of integer on slider
          max: 100, // Maximum value of integer on slider
          format: Pref.FORMAT_INT_SLIDER,
          label: "Number Pref (Slider)",
          description: "This is a Number Slider Setting"
          prefKey: "dt_day",
          type: Pref.TYPE_DATE,
          defVal: 20180124,
          dependancy: 'bol_switch',
          label: "Date Pref",
          format: Pref.FORMAT_DATE_YMD,
          description: "This is a Date Setting"
          prefKey: "dt_time",
          type: Pref.TYPE_TIME,
          defVal: "20180124T132700",
          label: "Time Pref",
          description: "This is a Time Setting"
        prefKey: "hdr",
        type: Pref.TYPE_HEADER,
        label: "Setting Header",
        defVal: Colors.white30, // Background color of header
          prefKey: "func_test",
          type: Pref.TYPE_FUNCTION,
          function: testFunction, // Name of function that preference item will call when clicked
          label: "Function Pref",
          description: "This is a Function Setting"
          prefKey: "txt_email",
          type: Pref.TYPE_TEXT,
          defVal: "test@test.com",
          format: Pref.FORMAT_TEXT_EMAIL,
          label: "Email Pref",
          description: "This is an Email String Setting"
          prefKey: "txt_phone",
          type: Pref.TYPE_TEXT,
          defVal: "+41798521111",
          format: Pref.FORMAT_TEXT_PHONE,
          label: "Phone Pref",
          description: "This is an Phone String Setting"
          prefKey: "txt_uri",
          type: Pref.TYPE_TEXT,
          defVal: "http://www.google.com",
          format: Pref.FORMAT_TEXT_URI,
          label: "URL Pref",
          description: "This is an URL Setting"

    this.p = Prefs(preferences: prefs);


  // This is the function called by func_test above
  void testFunction() {
    showAboutDialog(context: context);

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return Container(
      child: Center(
          child: RaisedButton(
            onPressed: () => this.p.buildPreferencesScreen(context, this.prefScreenTitle),
            child: Text("Launch"),