Product workflow rule used to assign the claim. This rule is the condition that trigger the assignment. It does not set the claim adjuster, this is done in the dynamic screen visibility rule. Transaction type used are new claim and modify claim
'Is Claim in Creation from Claim Notice in Progress Status = 4
Dim Claim as clsClaim
Dim strClaimAdjusterTeamName as string
Dim objTeam As clsTeam = Nothing
Dim listOfUserThatShouldReceiveTask As New List(Of clsUser)
If Claim IsNot Nothing Then
Trace("Claim Status =" & Claim.ClaimStatus,3)
'If (Claim.ClaimStatus = 4) AND (Claim.MyClaimAdjuster is Nothing)
If Claim.MyClaimAdjuster is Nothing
'Means that we should assign the task
Result(0) = 0
'Means that we should not assign the task
Result(0) = 1
End If
End If