Simple script to use minecraft over an SSH tunnel
# Your SSH host, e.g.
# Stores the controlmaster file. Need to enable controlpath in the ssh .config file
# Opens up an SSH tunnel to the remote server opening port 8080 locally
SSHCMD="ssh -nfN -D 8080 -S ""$SOCKCTL"" ""$SSHHOST"""
# Uses the control file to kill the SSH tunnel when finished with minecraft
SSHEXIT="ssh -S ""$SOCKCTL"" -O exit ""$SSHHOST"""
# sleep for 5 seconds to make sure that the connection has been made
sleep 5
# Loads up Minecraft with the proxy information using the SSH tunnel
java -DsocksProxyHost= -DsocksProxyPort=8080 -Xmx800m -jar "$MCLAUNCHER"
# when finished, quit SSH