9/7/2017 - 7:52 PM

Bank Account Inquiry for balance

Bank Account Inquiry for balance

Bank Account Inquiry Custom Formula to Get Accounts for the Ajera 7 Dashboard Cash Balance [ New ]

‎06-05-2015 01:44 PM

Bank Account Inquiry Custom Formula to Get Accounts for the Dashboard Cash Balance


1. Bank Account Inquiry: Get Accounts for the Dashboard Cash Balance


SELECT  baBalance =

(SELECT ISNULL(SUM(beAmount), 0)

FROM bankentry

WHERE beBankAccount = BA.baKey)

+ (CASE WHEN dbo.AxBankAccountGetFirstStatementBalance(BA.baKey) IS NULL THEN 0

 ELSE dbo.AxBankAccountGetFirstStatementBalance(BA.baKey) END   )

FROM axBankAccount AS BA

WHERE baBankAccountType = 0

AND baKey = [Bank Key]


To Use these Custom Formulas

Copy the desired Formula into the definition of your Inquiry column.