2/8/2015 - 9:54 PM

WordPress | Randomize order of posts resulted from WP_Query().

WordPress | Randomize order of posts resulted from WP_Query().


* Assuming you want 8 latest posts and excluding sticky posts
$posts_args = array(
	'ignore_sticky_posts' 	=> true,
	'posts_per_page'	=> 8

$posts = new WP_Query( $posts_args );

if( $posts->have_posts() ){

	 * Convert the posts' object into array
	$original_posts = (array) $posts->posts;

	 * Shuffle the array of posts
	shuffle( $original_posts );

	 * Convert the shuffled array of posts into object
	 * Hat tip to Edson Medina for this simple trick:
	$shuffled_posts = json_decode( json_encode( $original_posts ), FALSE );

	 * Overwrite the WP_Query's post data using the shuffled one
	$posts->posts = $shuffled_posts;

	 * Loop the posts cdata
	while ( $posts->have_posts() ) {


		 * Get the content template
		get_template_part( 'content' );
} else {
	 * Display no posts found state here