#laravel #php A query scope for sorting and searching/filtering
* Use this query scope from any model/controller
* It works on single table only, so for joined columns, make a mysql view and operate on that
* Example request fromat
'query' => [
'sort' => [
'created_at' => 'desc',
'firstname' => 'asc'
'columns' => [ //only list this columns, e.g., mysql select
'filters' => [
'firstname' => [
'op' => 'contains',
'val' => 'john'
'status' => [
'op' => 'eq',
'val' => 'active'
'status' => 'active', //does the same as above, i.e., if op not mentioned then default is op = eq
'created_at' => [
'op' => 'between',
'type' => 'date',
'val' => '1/1/2017',
'val2' => '1/2/2017'
'created_at' => [
'op' => 'gt',
'type' => 'date',
'val' => '1/1/2017',
'user_id' => [
'op' => 'empty', //null or empty, e.g., reservations with no manager
public function scopefilter($q, $params) {
if (!isset($params['query']) || empty($params['query']))
return $q;
$params = $params['query'];
$valid_operators = [
'eq' => '=',
'neq' => '<>',
'gt' => '>',
'lt' => '<',
'gte' => '>=',
'lte' => '<=',
'between' => 'between',
'startswith' => [
'op' => 'LIKE',
'value' => '%s%%'
'endswith' => [
'op' => 'LIKE',
'value' => '%%%s'
'contains' => [
'op' => 'LIKE',
'value' => '%%%s%%'
'nstartswith' => [
'op' => 'NOT LIKE',
'value' => '%s%%'
'nendswith' => [
'op' => 'NOT LIKE',
'value' => '%%%s'
'ncontains' => [
'op' => 'NOT LIKE',
'value' => '%%%s%%'
$valid_sorting_orders = [
if (isset($params['filters']) && !empty($params['filters'])) {
foreach ($params['filters'] as $column => $filter) {
if (is_array($filter)) {
$op = $filter['op'];
$val = isset($filter['val'])? $filter['val'] : null;
$val2 = isset($filter['val2'])? $filter['val2'] : null;
} else {
$op = 'eq'; //default action is mysql equality
$val = $filter;
//if column is type date then change values to mysql date format
if (isset($filter['type']) && $filter['type'] == 'date' && $val) {
$val = Carbon::parse($val)->toDateString(); //Y-m-d
$val2 = Carbon::parse($val2)->toDateString();
if ($op == 'between' && $val && $val2) {
$q->whereBetween($column, [$val, $val2]); //for date columns date(column) is handled by eloquent
if ($op == 'empty') {
$q->where(function($q) use ($column) {
$q->where($column, '=', '')->orWhereNull($column);
if ($op == 'nempty') {
$q->where(function($q) use ($column) {
$q->where($column, '!=', '')->orWhereNotNull($column);
if ($val) {
if (isset($filter['type']) && $filter['type'] == 'date') {
$column = \DB::raw("DATE(`$column`)");
if (isset($valid_operators[$op]) && is_array($valid_operators[$op])) {
$q->where($column, $valid_operators[$op]['op'], sprintf($valid_operators[$op]['value'], $val)); //e.g., NOT LIKE %foobar%, LIKE %foo etc
} else {
$q->where($column, $valid_operators[$op], $val);
if (isset($params['sort'])) {
foreach ($params['sort'] as $field => $order) {
if (in_array(strtolower($order), $valid_sorting_orders)) {
$q->orderBy($field, $order);
if (isset($params['columns']) && is_array($params['columns'])) {
return $q;