6/30/2017 - 5:02 PM

[WordPress][WP Rocket] Boilerplate for a custom functionality (MU) plugin.

[WordPress][WP Rocket] Boilerplate for a custom functionality (MU) plugin.

 * Plugin Name: Your Custom Functionality Plugin
 * Description: Short description of your plugin here.
 * Author:      your name here
 * License:     GNU General Public License v3 or later
 * License URI: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html

// Basic security, prevents file from being loaded directly.
defined( 'ABSPATH' ) or die( 'Cheatin&#8217; uh?' );

/* Prefix your custom functions!
 * Function names must be unique in PHP.
 * In order to make sure the name of your function does not
 * exist anywhere else in WordPress, or in other plugins,
 * give your function a unique custom prefix.
 * Example prefix: wpr20151231
 * Example function name: wpr20151231__do_something
 * For the rest of your function name after the prefix,
 * make sure it is as brief and descriptive as possible.
 * When in doubt, do not fear a longer function name if it
 * is going to remind you at once of what the function does.
 * Imagine you’ll be reading your own code in some years, so
 * treat your future self with descriptive naming. ;)

 * Pass your custom function to the wp_rocket_loaded action hook.
 * Note: wp_rocket_loaded itself is hooked into WordPress’ own
 * plugins_loaded hook.
 * Depending what kind of functionality your custom plugin
 * should implement, you can/should hook your function(s) into
 * different action hooks, such as for example
 * init, after_setup_theme, or template_redirect.
 * Learn more about WordPress actions and filters here:
 * https://developer.wordpress.org/plugins/hooks/
 * @param string 'wp_rocket_loaded'         Hook name to hook function into
 * @param string 'yourprefix__do_something' Function name to be hooked
add_action( 'wp_rocket_loaded', 'yourprefix__do_something' );

 * Define your custom function here.
 * This example just returns true.
 * @return bool Boolean value TRUE
function yourprefix__do_something() {
	return true;