Epicor still uses seconds since midnight as their Time Indicator and sometimes you need to convert those seconds into human format.
// Currently Elapsed Seconds Since Midnight
Convert.ToInt32( ((TimeSpan) DateTime.Now.Subtract( DateTime.Today )).TotalSeconds)
// Convert Epicors Time like NeedByTime or SysTime to Human Readable
DateTime.Today.AddSeconds( MtlQueue.NeedByTime ).ToString("HH:mm:ss"); // ex: 16:22:10
DateTime.Today.AddSeconds( MtlQueue.NeedByTime ).ToString("hh:mm:ss tt"); // ex: 04:22:10 pm
// ABL
// string(MtlQueue.NeedByTime, "HH:MM:SS") // Convert to Human Readable
// Quick LotNum Generation Example to enforce double digits
ttPartTranRow.LotNum = String.Format("{0}-{1}{2}{3}", ttPartTranRow.JobNum, DateTime.Now.Month.ToString("d2"), DateTime.Now.Day.ToString("d2"), DateTime.Now.ToString("yy"));