7/13/2015 - 11:10 AM

Apply Fancybox to image links and galleries and exclude mobile devices.

Apply Fancybox to image links and galleries and exclude mobile devices.

var pixelRatio = window.devicePixelRatio || 1;
// applies Fancybox only if device screen is wider than 768px
if( window.innerWidth/pixelRatio > 768 ) {
        jQuery( "a[href$='.jpg'], a[href$='.jpeg'], a[href$='.png'], a[href$='.gif']" ).attr( 'rel', 'gallery' ).fancybox({

Fancybox Image Links Disabled on Mobile

Install Fancybox then add this Javascript before the closing <body> tag to apply Fancybox to image links and gallery links. Adjust the screen width to your needs (set here for 768px and less).