9/24/2015 - 3:28 PM

Custom configuration section with multiple values From

using System.Configuration;
namespace My {
public class MyConfigSection : ConfigurationSection {
    [ConfigurationProperty("", IsRequired = true, IsDefaultCollection = true)]
    public MyConfigInstanceCollection Instances {
        get { return (MyConfigInstanceCollection)this[""]; }
        set { this[""] = value; }
public class MyConfigInstanceCollection : ConfigurationElementCollection {
    protected override ConfigurationElement CreateNewElement() {
        return new MyConfigInstanceElement();

    protected override object GetElementKey(ConfigurationElement element) {
        //set to whatever Element Property you want to use for a key
        return ((MyConfigInstanceElement)element).Name;

public class MyConfigInstanceElement : ConfigurationElement {
    //Make sure to set IsKey=true for property exposed as the GetElementKey above
    [ConfigurationProperty("name", IsKey = true, IsRequired = true)]
    public string Name {
        get { return (string) base["name"]; }
        set { base["name"] = value; }

    [ConfigurationProperty("code", IsRequired = true)]
    public string Code {
        get { return (string) base["code"]; }
        set { base["code"] = value; }
    } } }