jsPatterns.privateScope@closure.js - the implementation of private variables with closure; be cautious when passing reference type values, they allow modification of themselves from the variable it passed.
function Gadget() { // private member
//var specs = {
var screen_width = 320,
screen_height = 480,
color = "white"
// };
// public function
this.getSpecs = function () {
//return new object to protect variable privacy
return {
"screen_width": screen_width,
"screen_height": screen_height,
"color": color
var g = new Gadget();
var test = g.getSpecs();
test.screen_width = 1280;
test.screen_height = 640;
test.color = "blue";
//will not be changed.
//Another way is to copy the object to be returned.
//to be continued...