Miva - FraudNet INVC Tracking
<mvt:comment><!-- DEV URL: <mvt:assign name="g.url" value="'http://dev.btosports.com/php/fraudnet-tester.php?method=full'" /> --></mvt:comment>
<mvt:assign name="g.url" value="'https://fraud.net/api/api.cfc?method=full'" />
<mvt:comment><!-- API Key --></mvt:comment>
<mvt:assign name="g.SubscriberKey" value="'1234-4567-789-4564'" /> <mvt:comment><!-- SubscriberKey Required 1234-4567-789-4564 This key is assigned to you by Fraud.net. It is used to identify and authorize your request. Your SubscriberKey should be kept private, and should never be displayed publicly. --></mvt:comment>
<mvt:comment><!-- Order Info --></mvt:comment>
<mvt:assign name="g.Order_ID" value="l.settings:order:id" /> <mvt:comment><!-- Order_ID: 123456 Merchant order_ID, for reference back to merchant's systems. --></mvt:comment>
<mvt:assign name="g.Order_Total" value="l.settings:order:total" /> <mvt:comment><!-- Order_Total Required 125.32 Order total, generally the amount authorized. --></mvt:comment>
<mvt:assign name="g.Date_Ordered" value="l.settings:order:date" /> <mvt:comment><!-- Date_Ordered Required 7/25/2013 8:25:00 PM Date the order was placed. Flexible date/time format. --></mvt:comment>
<mvt:assign name="g.Order_Status" value="l.settings:order:formatted_status" /> <mvt:comment><!-- Order_Status: Pending Current order status. Flexible format. examples might include 'Shipped', 'Fraud', 'On Hold', 'Chargeback', or 'Pending Review'. --></mvt:comment>
<mvt:comment><!-- User Info --></mvt:comment>
<mvt:assign name="g.User_IP_Address" value="s.remote_addr" /> <mvt:comment><!-- User_IP_Address Recommended IP address associated with the order submitted, if captured and available. --></mvt:comment>
<mvt:assign name="g.User_Agent" value="s.http_user_agent" /> <mvt:comment><!-- User_Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; MSIE 10.0; --></mvt:comment>
<mvt:if expr="l.settings:order:cust_id NE 0">
<mvt:assign name="g.getCustomer" value="'SELECT s01_Customers.pw_email FROM s01_Orders INNER JOIN s01_Customers ON s01_Customers.id = s01_Orders.cust_id WHERE s01_Customers.id = ' $ asciichar(34) $ l.settings:order:cust_id $ asciichar(34)" />
<mvt:assign name="g.getCustomerId" value="'SELECT id FROM s01_Customers WHERE (pw_email = ' $ asciichar(34) $ l.settings:order:ship_email $ asciichar(34) $ ') OR (pw_email = ' $ asciichar(34) $ l.settings:order:bill_email $ asciichar(34) $ ') LIMIT 1'" />
<mvt:item name="ry_toolbelt" param="query|g.getCustomerId|customer_id_lookup" />
<mvt:if expr="l.settings:customer_id_lookup GT 0">
<mvt:assign name="g.getCustomer" value="'SELECT s01_Customers.pw_email FROM s01_Orders INNER JOIN s01_Customers ON s01_Customers.id = s01_Orders.cust_id WHERE s01_Customers.id = ' $ asciichar(34) $ l.settings:customer_id_lookup $ asciichar(34)" />
<mvt:if expr="NOT ISNULL g.getCustomer">
<mvt:item name="ry_toolbelt" param="query|g.getCustomer|customer_lookup" />
<mvt:assign name="g.User_Order_Count" value="miva_array_elements(l.settings:customer_lookup)" /> <mvt:comment><!-- User_Order_Count Recommended 5 Total number of orders placed by this user at merchant's store. --></mvt:comment>
<mvt:if expr="l.settings:customer_lookup">
<mvt:assign name="g.User_Email" value="l.settings:customer_lookup[1]" /> <mvt:comment><!-- User_Email Recommended john_doe@gmail.com Primary email address submitted by user with the order. --></mvt:comment>
<mvt:comment><!-- User Info: Shipping --></mvt:comment>
<mvt:assign name="g.Ship_First_Name" value="l.settings:order:ship_fname" /> <mvt:comment><!-- Ship_First_Name Required John The first name of the person to whom the order is being shipped. --></mvt:comment>
<mvt:assign name="g.Ship_Last_Name" value="l.settings:order:ship_lname" /> <mvt:comment><!-- Ship_Last_Name Required Doe The last name of the person to whom the order is being shipped. --></mvt:comment>
<mvt:assign name="g.Ship_Address1" value="l.settings:order:ship_addr1" /> <mvt:comment><!-- Ship_Address1 Required 123 Main Street The "Ship To" address, generally the street address to which the order is being delivered. If a company name is submitted, include it in Ship_Address1 and use Ship_Address2 for the street address. --></mvt:comment>
<mvt:assign name="g.Ship_Address2" value="l.settings:order:ship_addr2" /> <mvt:comment><!-- Ship_Address2: Apt 3L If information in a second address field exists, such as apartment number or other more specific delivery information, use Ship_Address2. --></mvt:comment>
<mvt:assign name="g.Ship_City" value="l.settings:order:ship_city" /> <mvt:comment><!-- Ship_City: Schenectady The city of the "Ship To" address. --></mvt:comment>
<mvt:assign name="g.Ship_State" value="l.settings:order:ship_state" /> <mvt:comment><!-- Ship_State: NY The state of the "Ship To" address. Flexible format. --></mvt:comment>
<mvt:assign name="g.Ship_Zip" value="l.settings:order:ship_zip" /> <mvt:comment><!-- Ship_Zip Required 12345 The zip code of the "Ship To" address, either in 5-digit or 9-digit format. --></mvt:comment>
<mvt:assign name="g.Ship_Country" value="l.settings:order:ship_cntry" /> <mvt:comment><!-- Ship_Country: US The country of the "Ship To" address. Flexible format. Default is 'US'. --></mvt:comment>
<mvt:assign name="g.Ship_Phone" value="l.settings:order:ship_phone" /> <mvt:comment><!-- Ship_Phone Recommended (518) 555-1212 The phone number of the "Ship To" address. Flexible format. --></mvt:comment>
<mvt:assign name="g.Ship_Email" value="l.settings:order:ship_email" /> <mvt:comment><!-- Ship_Email: 'Ship To' email, if different than 'User_Email'. Flexible format. --></mvt:comment>
<mvt:comment><!-- User Info: Billing --></mvt:comment>
<mvt:assign name="g.Bill_First_Name" value="l.settings:order:bill_fname" /> <mvt:comment><!-- Bill_First_Name: Jane The first name of the person paying for the order. Leave all Bill fields blank if same as Ship fields. --></mvt:comment>
<mvt:assign name="g.Bill_Last_Name" value="l.settings:order:bill_lname" /> <mvt:comment><!-- Bill_Last_Name: Doe The last name of the person paying for the order. --></mvt:comment>
<mvt:assign name="g.Bill_Address1" value="l.settings:order:bill_addr1" /> <mvt:comment><!-- Bill_Address1: 456 Apple Drive The "Bill To" address, generally the street address on record with credit card issuer. --></mvt:comment>
<mvt:assign name="g.Bill_Address2" value="l.settings:order:bill_addr2" /> <mvt:comment><!-- Bill_Address2: Additional "Bill To" address information on record with credit card issuer. --></mvt:comment>
<mvt:assign name="g.Bill_City" value="l.settings:order:bill_city" /> <mvt:comment><!-- Bill_City: Schenectady The city of the "Bill To" address. --></mvt:comment>
<mvt:assign name="g.Bill_State" value="l.settings:order:bill_state" /> <mvt:comment><!-- Bill_State: NY The state of the "Bill To" address. Flexible format. --></mvt:comment>
<mvt:assign name="g.Bill_Zip" value="l.settings:order:bill_zip" /> <mvt:comment><!-- Bill_Zip: 12345 The zip code of the "Bill To" address, either in 5-digit or 9-digit format. --></mvt:comment>
<mvt:assign name="g.Bill_Country" value="l.settings:order:bill_cntry" /> <mvt:comment><!-- Bill_Country: US The country of the "Bill To" address. Flexible format. Default is 'US'. --></mvt:comment>
<mvt:assign name="g.Bill_Phone" value="l.settings:order:bill_phone" /> <mvt:comment><!-- Bill_Phone: (518) 777-4545 The phone number of the "Bill To" address. Flexible format. --></mvt:comment>
<mvt:assign name="g.Bill_Email" value="l.settings:order:bill_email" /> <mvt:comment><!-- Bill_Email: jane_doe@gmail.com 'Bill To' email, if different than 'User_Email' and 'Ship To' email. Flexible format. --></mvt:comment>
<mvt:comment><!-- Payment Info --></mvt:comment>
<mvt:if expr="'paypal' CIN g.PaymentMethod">
<mvt:assign name="g.Pmt_Method" value="'PayPal'" /> <mvt:comment><!-- Pmt_Method Recommended Credit Card The method of payment used for the order: Credit Card, Paypal, eCheck, ACH, etc. --></mvt:comment>
<mvt:assign name="g.Pmt_Method" value="'CC'" /> <mvt:comment><!-- Pmt_Method Recommended Credit Card The method of payment used for the order: Credit Card, Paypal, eCheck, ACH, etc. --></mvt:comment>
<mvt:assign name="g.cc_num_clean" value="glosub( glosub(g.AuthorizeNet_Card_Num,'-',''), ' ', '')" />
<mvt:assign name="g.Pmt_CC_First_6" value="substring(g.cc_num_clean,0,6)" /> <mvt:comment><!-- Pmt_CC_First_6 Recommended 543214 If payment by credit card, the first 6 digits of the credit card number (also referred to as the BIN) --></mvt:comment>
<mvt:assign name="g.Pmt_CC_Last_4" value="substring(g.cc_num_clean,len(g.cc_num_clean) - 3,4)" /> <mvt:comment><!-- Pmt_CC_Last_4 Recommended 4057 If payment by credit card, the last 4 digits of the credit card number. --></mvt:comment>
<mvt:assign name="g.Pmt_CC_Exp_Date" value="g.AuthorizeNet_CardExp_Month $ '/' $ g.AuthorizeNet_CardExp_Year" /> <mvt:comment><!-- Pmt_CC_Exp_Date 12/16 If payment by credit card, the expiration date of the credit card. --></mvt:comment>
<mvt:assign name="g.Pmt_CVV_Code" value="g.AuthorizeNet_Cvv" /> <mvt:comment><!-- Pmt_CVV_Code: M The CVV response code returned by the payment gateway. --></mvt:comment>
<mvt:comment><!-- Delivery Info --></mvt:comment>
<mvt:assign name="g.Ship_Courier" value="gettoken( g.ShippingMethod, ':', 1 )" /> <mvt:comment><!-- Ship_Courier Recommended UPS The shipping carrier used for delivery: USPS,UPS,Fedex, etc. Flexible format. --></mvt:comment>
<mvt:assign name="g.Ship_Method" value="gettoken( g.ShippingMethod, ':', 2 )" /> <mvt:comment><!-- Ship_Method Recommended GNDRES The shipping method used for delivery: Overnight, 2-Day, Ground, etc. Flexible format. --></mvt:comment>
<mvt:foreach iterator="item" array="order:items">
<mvt:assign name="g.Ship_Weight" value="g.Ship_Weight + l.settings:item:product:weight" /> <mvt:comment><!-- Ship_Weight: 1.04 Weight of the order (in lbs). --></mvt:comment>
<mvt:comment><!-- <mvt:item name="customfields" param="Write_Order(l.settings:order:id, 'fraudnet_url', g.url $ 'SubscriberKey=' $ g.SubscriberKey $ '&Order_ID=' $ g.Order_ID $ '&Order_Total=' $ g.Order_Total $ '&Date_Ordered=' $ g.Date_Ordered $ '&Order_Status=' $ g.Order_Status $ '&User_IP_Address=' $ g.User_IP_Address $ '&User_Order_Count=' $ g.User_Order_Count $ '&User_Agent=' $ g.User_Agent $ '&User_Email=' $ g.User_Email $ '&Ship_First_Name=' $ g.Ship_First_Name $ '&Ship_Last_Name=' $ g.Ship_Last_Name $ '&Ship_Address1=' $ g.Ship_Address1 $ '&Ship_Address2=' $ g.Ship_Address2 $ '&Ship_City=' $ g.Ship_City $ '&Ship_State=' $ g.Ship_State $ '&Ship_Zip=' $ g.Ship_Zip $ '&Ship_Country=' $ g.Ship_Country $ '&Ship_Phone=' $ g.Ship_Phone $ '&Ship_Email=' $ g.Ship_Email $ '&Bill_First_Name=' $ g.Bill_First_Name $ '&Bill_Last_Name=' $ g.Bill_Last_Name $ '&Bill_Address1=' $ g.Bill_Address1 $ '&Bill_Address2=' $ g.Bill_Address2 $ '&Bill_City=' $ g.Bill_City $ '&Bill_State=' $ g.Bill_State $ '&Bill_Zip=' $ g.Bill_Zip $ '&Bill_Country=' $ g.Bill_Country $ '&Bill_Phone=' $ g.Bill_Phone $ '&Bill_Email=' $ g.Bill_Email $ '&Pmt_Method=' $ g.Pmt_Method $ '&Pmt_CC_First_6=' $ g.Pmt_CC_First_6 $ '&Pmt_CC_Last_4=' $ g.Pmt_CC_Last_4 $ '&Pmt_CC_Exp_Date=' $ g.Pmt_CC_Exp_Date $ '&Pmt_CVV_Code=' $ g.Pmt_CVV_Code $ '&Ship_Courier=' $ g.Ship_Courier $ '&Ship_Method=' $ g.Ship_Method $ '&Ship_Weight=' $ g.Ship_Weight)" /> --></mvt:comment>
<mvt:item name="toolkit" param="vcallurl|fraudnet_response|g.url|POST|SubscriberKey,Order_ID,Order_Total,Date_Ordered,Order_Status,User_IP_Address,User_Order_Count,User_Agent,User_Email,Ship_First_Name,Ship_Last_Name,Ship_Address1,Ship_Address2,Ship_City,Ship_State,Ship_Zip,Ship_Country,Ship_Phone,Ship_Email,Bill_First_Name,Bill_Last_Name,Bill_Address1,Bill_Address2,Bill_City,Bill_State,Bill_Zip,Bill_Country,Bill_Phone,Bill_Email,Pmt_Method,Pmt_CC_First_6,Pmt_CC_Last_4,Pmt_CC_Exp_Date,Pmt_CVV_Code,Ship_Courier,Ship_Method,Ship_Weight" />
<mvt:item name="customfields" param="Write_Order(l.settings:order:id, 'fraudnet_response', g.fraudnet_response)" />