# US_stock_bundle
# ~.zipline/extensions.py
#from zipline.data.bundles import register, US_stock_data
#register('US_stock_bundle', US_stock_data.US_stock_data, calendar_name='NYSE')
import pandas as pd
from os import listdir
# Change the path to where you have your data
import google.colab
# for COLAB
path = '/content/data/daily/US_stock_data/'
path = '/home/scubamut1/MEGAsync/10_DATA/daily/US_stock_data/'
The ingest function needs to have this exact signature,
meaning these arguments passed, as shown below.
def US_stock_data(environ,
# Get list of files from path
# Slicing off the last part
# 'example.csv'[:-4] = 'example'
symbols = [f[:-4] for f in listdir(path)]
if not symbols:
raise ValueError("No symbols found in folder.")
# Prepare an empty DataFrame for dividends
divs = pd.DataFrame(columns=['sid',
# Prepare an empty DataFrame for splits
splits = pd.DataFrame(columns=['sid',
# Prepare an empty DataFrame for metadata
metadata = pd.DataFrame(columns=('start_date',
# Check valid trading dates, according to the selected exchange calendar
sessions = calendar.sessions_in_range(start_session, end_session)
# Get data for all stocks and write to Zipline
process_stocks(symbols, sessions, metadata, divs)
# Write the metadata
# asset_db_writer.write(equities=metadata)
# from https://github.com/quantopian/zipline/issues/2517
exchange = {'exchange': 'NYSE', 'canonical_name': 'NYSE', 'country_code': 'US'}
exchange_df = pd.DataFrame(
data=[["NYSE", "NYSE", "US"]],
columns=["exchange", "canonical_name", "country_code"],
# Write splits and dividends
Generator function to iterate stocks,
build historical data, metadata
and dividend data
def process_stocks(symbols, sessions, metadata, divs):
# Loop the stocks, setting a unique Security ID (SID)
for sid, symbol in enumerate(symbols):
print('Loading {}...'.format(symbol))
# Read the stock data from csv file.
df = pd.read_csv('{}/{}.csv'.format(path, symbol), index_col=[0], parse_dates=[0])
# Check first and last date.
start_date = df.index[0]
end_date = df.index[-1]
# Synch to the official exchange calendar
df = df.reindex(sessions.tz_localize(None))[start_date:end_date]
# Forward fill missing data
df.fillna(method='ffill', inplace=True)
# Drop remaining NaN
# The auto_close date is the day after the last trade.
ac_date = end_date + pd.Timedelta(days=1)
# Add a row to the metadata DataFrame. Don't forget to add an exchange field.
metadata.loc[sid] = start_date, end_date, ac_date, symbol, "NYSE"
# If there's dividend data, add that to the dividend DataFrame
if 'dividend' in df.columns:
# Slice off the days with dividends
tmp = df[df['dividend'] != 0.0]['dividend']
div = pd.DataFrame(data=tmp.index.tolist(), columns=['ex_date'])
# Provide empty columns as we don't have this data for now
div['record_date'] = pd.NaT
div['declared_date'] = pd.NaT
div['pay_date'] = pd.NaT
# Store the dividends and set the Security ID
div['amount'] = tmp.tolist()
div['sid'] = sid
# Start numbering at where we left off last time
ind = pd.Index(range(divs.shape[0], divs.shape[0] + div.shape[0]))
div.set_index(ind, inplace=True)
# Append this stock's dividends to the list of all dividends
divs = divs.append(div)
yield sid, df