This is a pseudo implementation of mutex since php does not have any thread synchronization objects This class uses flock() as a base to provide locking functionality. Lock will be released in following cases
//get the lock
$lock = new ExclusiveLock( "mylock" );
if( $lock->lock( ) == FALSE )
error("Locking failed");
//Do your work here
class ExclusiveLock
protected $key = null; //user given value
protected $file = null; //resource to lock
protected $own = false; //have we locked resource
function __construct($key)
$this->key = $key;
//create a new resource or get exisitng with same key
$this->file = fopen("$key.lockfile", 'w+');
function __destruct()
if ($this->own == true) {
function lock()
if (!flock($this->file, LOCK_EX | LOCK_NB)) { //failed
$key = $this->key;
error_log("ExclusiveLock::acquire_lock FAILED to acquire lock [$key]");
return false;
ftruncate($this->file, 0); // truncate file
//write something to just help debugging
fwrite($this->file, "Locked\n");
$this->own = true;
return true; // success
function unlock()
$key = $this->key;
if ($this->own == true) {
if (!flock($this->file, LOCK_UN)) { //failed
error_log("ExclusiveLock::lock FAILED to release lock [$key]");
return false;
ftruncate($this->file, 0); // truncate file
//write something to just help debugging
fwrite($this->file, "Unlocked\n");
$this->own = false;
} else {
error_log("ExclusiveLock::unlock called on [$key] but its not acquired by caller");
return true; // success