quakelive conf
r_smp 1
// Punkbuster
seta cl_punkbuster "1"
seta pb_system "1"
seta pb_security "0"
seta pb_sleep "500"
seta pb_cl_enable "1"
// net settings
seta rate 25000
seta snaps 40 // let osp cap snaps to value of sv_fps
seta cl_maxpackets 125 // leased line, need BW for this
seta cl_packetdup 0 // duplicate packet checksums 5 times to avoid any PL
seta cl_nodelta 0
// imported
// cg_hudfiles "ui/emsixteen.cfg" // My HUD!
cg_hudfiles "ui/xpk_hud_2.cfg"
cg_kickscale "0" // Stops the screen from shaking when taking damage
cg_bob "0" // Makes your screen stay straight when jumping and hitting the ground
cg_levelTimerDirection "1" // 0 = up, 1 = down
cg_newWeaponBar "0"
s_ambient "0" // Removes ambient sounds like rain on qztourney7
s_musicvolume "0" // Nobody wants that music..
cg_railTrailTime "1500"
cg_crosshairpulse "0"
// duck / team msgs
// bind CTRL "say_team ^1>>>^7 ^1YOU ^7take!!!"
bind ALT +movedown
// net settings, used by pressing numlock to toggle between them, if playing on a euro server
bind kp_numlock "vstr net1"
set net1 "cl_timenudge -15; snaps 60; cl_maxpackets 125; rate 25000; cl_nodelta 1; cl_packetdup 0; echo ^3TIMENUDGE -15; echo ^2SNAPS 60; echo CL_MAXPACKETS 125; echo RATE 25000; bind kp_numlock vstr net2; echo ^3next change: ^5LOW BAND ^7SETTINGS";
set net2 "cl_timenudge -15; snaps 40; cl_maxpackets 125; rate 12500; cl_nodelta 0; cl_packetdup 2; echo ^3TIMENUDGE -15; echo ^2SNAPS 40; echo CL_MAXPACKETS 125; ECHO rate 12500; bind kp_numlock vstr net1; echo ^3next change: ^5LOW BAND ^7SETTINGS";
// toggle for my middle mouse button between 'taken item' and 'use' for ctf2.
bind kp_slash "vstr tookitem"
set useitem "bind mouse4 +button2; echo ^2enabled ^4ITEM USE; bind kp_slash vstr tookitem"
set tookitem "bind mouse4 say_team ^1>>>^7 TAKEN ^3; echo ^2enabled ^4ITEM TAKEN; bind kp_slash vstr useitem"
// ctf tactical calls for changing squad formation, use 8 to select a formation and 9 to call it.
bind 8 "vstr formation1"
set formation1 "echo formation: ^31-1-3; bind 9 say_team ^1>^2>^3> ^7MOVE TO: ^31-1-3; bind 8 vstr formation2";
set formation2 "echo formation: ^32-1-2; bind 9 say_team ^1>^2>^3> ^7MOVE TO: ^12-1-2; bind 8 vstr formation3";
set formation3 "echo formation: ^32-3; bind 9 say_team ^1>^2>^3> ^7MOVE TO: ^22-3; bind 8 vstr formation4";
set formation4 "echo formation: ^32-3; bind 9 say_team ^1>^2>^3> ^7MOVE TO: ^61-2-2; bind 8 vstr formation1";
// teamplay binds, CTF
// powerup related
bind = "say_team ^1>>>^7 ^1get ^7POWERUP ^1now!"
bind ] "say_team ^1>>>^7 we are quad / POWERUP ended"
bind e "say_team ^1>>>^7 N.M.E ^1REGEN"
bind q "say_team ^1>>>^7 N.M.E ^4QUAD"
bind w "say_team ^1>>>^7 N.M.E ^5NUKE INCOMMING"
// bind ALT "say_team ^1>>>^7 ^1get ^4QUAD^7/^3HASTE"
// attack related, light blue ident >>>
bind a "say_team ^5>>>^7 ATTACKING"
bind v "say_team ^5>>>^7 RUSH ^4MID^7 for FC passage"
bind \ "say_team ^5>>>^7 RUSH enemy base in ^410 secs"
bind z "say_team ^5>>>^7 WAITING FOR HELP ^4#l"
bind kp_HOME "say_team ^1>>>^7 HELP NEED/AVAIL ^1low ^7#L"
bind kp_END "say_team ^1>>>^7 HELP NEED/AVAIL ^6high ^7#L"
// info based / misc
// base related, leaving/coming attackers
bind x "say_team ^1>>>^7 LOST ^3BASE"
bind c "say_team ^3>>>^7 SAFE ^3BASE"
bind kp_pgdn "say_team ^1>>>^7 IN/OUT ^1low"
bind kp_pgup "say_team ^1>>>^7 IN/OUT ^1high"
// personal status / info
bind y "say_team ^3>>>^7 YES / ON WAY"
bind [ "say_team ^3>>>^7 NO / CAN'T MAKE IT" //'
bind BACKSPACE "kill"
bind s "say_team ^3>>>^7 ^3H:#h A:#a #w"
// positional info
bind b "say_team ^1>>>^7 DIED near, ^7area ^1LOST"
bind m "say_team ^1>>>^7 LOST AREA, ^1UNSAFE"
bind n "say_team ^3>>>^7 ^3SECURED"
bind ENTER dropflag
bind BACKSPACE droppowerup
// sharing items
bind g "say_team ^1>>>^7 FREE ITEM HERE"
bind uparrow "say_team ^1>>>^7 ^1YOU ^7take!!!"
bind downarrow dropweapon
bind leftarrow "say_team ^3>>>^7 AVAILABLE";
// hurt enemies
bind SHIFT "say_team ^1>>>^7 ENEMY ^1LOW ON HEALTH"
// personal positioning, for when helping in base, etc.
bind PGDN "say_team ^3>>>^7 SWAP ME here now"
bind PGUP "say_team ^3>>>^7 is MY AREA now"
// generic binds, info etc
bind ESCAPE "togglemenu"
bind t "messagemode"
bind r "messagemode2"
bind ` "toggleconsole"
bind TAB "+scores"
bind 1 "+acc"
bind 2 "topshots"
bind 3 "stat"
bind 4 "players"
set soundOn "s_volume 0.1;echo SOUND ON;bind PAUSE vstr soundOff"
set soundOff "s_volume 0;echo SOUND OFF;bind PAUSE vstr soundOn"
bind PAUSE "vstr soundOff"
bind F1 "vote yes"
bind F2 "vote no"
bind F3 "readyup"
bind F4 "toggle r_fastsky" // for w2 and dm7 gateways see-through
bind F5 "team r"
bind F6 "team b"
bind F7 "team a"
bind F8 "in_restart"
bind F9 "vid_restart"
bind F10 "toggle r_vertexlight;vid_restart"
bind F11 "stoprecord"`
bind F12 "screenshotjpeg"
// suicide with a message in case dropping flag
bind * "kill; say_team ^3>>> ^7SUICIDE"
// weapon binds, all with gun drawn cept for rl. can also add alterating FOVs here
set w1 "m_pitch 0.0220; cg_drawgun 2; cg_drawcrosshair 13; cg_fov 115; weapon 1; set lw vstr w1"
set w2 "m_pitch 0.0220; cg_drawgun 2; cg_drawcrosshair 13; cg_fov 115; weapon 2; set lw vstr w2"
set w3 "m_pitch 0.0220; cg_drawgun 2; cg_drawcrosshair 13; cg_fov 115; weapon 3; set lw vstr w3"
set w4 "m_pitch 0.0220; cg_drawgun 2; cg_drawcrosshair 13; cg_fov 115; weapon 4; set lw vstr w4"
set w5 "m_pitch 0.0220; cg_drawgun 0; cg_drawcrosshair 13; cg_fov 125; weapon 5; set lw vstr w5" // RL = hide weapon
set w6 "m_pitch 0.0154; cg_drawgun 2; cg_drawcrosshair 13; cg_fov 120; weapon 6; set lw vstr w6" // shaft
set w7 "m_pitch 0.0154; cg_drawgun 2; cg_drawcrosshair 13; cg_fov 115; weapon 7; set lw vstr w7" // rail
set w8 "m_pitch 0.0220; cg_drawgun 2; cg_drawcrosshair 16; cg_fov 115; weapon 8; set lw vstr w8" // plasma
set w9 "m_pitch 0.0220; cg_drawgun 2; cg_drawcrosshair 13; cg_fov 115; weapon 9; set lw vstr w9"
set w10 "m_pitch 0.0220; cg_drawgun 2; cg_drawcrosshair 13; cg_fov 115; weapon 10; set lw vstr w10"
bind . "vstr w7"
bind / "vstr w5"
bind 0 "vstr w1"
bind 5 "vstr w5"
bind 6 "vstr w6"
bind 7 "vstr w7"
bind : "vstr w10"
bind SEMICOLON "vstr w6"
bind i "vstr w8"
bind o "vstr w3"
bind h "vstr w2"
bind u "weapon 4;wait 100;+attack;wait 10;-attack;vstr lw" // quick grenade
// movement and shoot
bind j "+moveleft"
bind k "+back"
bind l "+moveright"
bind SPACE "+moveup"
bind MOUSE1 "+attack"
bind MOUSE2 "+forward"
bind MOUSE3 "+button2"
bind MWHEELDOWN "weapprev"
bind MWHEELUP "weapnext"
// model and team model colours
cg_forceTeamModel "biker"
cg_forcemodel "1"
// color "4444"
color1 "1"
color2 "1"
cg_enemyColors "33322"
cg_enemyModel "keel/bright"
seta com_allowConsole "1"
// r_enablePostProcess 0
//r_vertexLight 1
r_subdivisions 50
// r_mode 5
cg_weaponColor 0x0000ff
cg_weaponColorStyle 2
cl_allowConsoleChat 1
cg_impactSparks 0
set nopb "pb_sleep 500;pb_security 0;echo Fixed Punkbuster"
bind 4 "vstr nopb"
exec qlranks-elo.cfg