3/18/2019 - 7:50 AM


import fiona
from fiona.crs import from_epsg
from shapely.geometry import asShape
from coord_convert.transform import gcj2bd

shp_dir = "/Downloads/grid"
grid_input = "grid_join"
grid_output = "grid_code"
max_count = 10000000
# max_count = 10000
coord_precision = 8
crs = from_epsg(4326)
adcode_dict = {}

def run():
    collection = fiona.open("{}/{}.shp".format(shp_dir, grid_input), encoding='utf-8')
    schema = collection.schema
    polygons = []
    count = 0
    features = iter(collection)
    feature = next(features)
    while count < max_count and feature is not None:
        geom = asShape(feature['geometry'])
        properties = feature['properties']
        adcode = properties['adcode']
        number = adcode_dict.get(adcode, None)
        if number is None:
            number = 1
            adcode_dict[adcode] = number
            number += 1
            adcode_dict[adcode] = number
        centroid = geom.centroid
        coordinates = feature['geometry']['coordinates'][0]
        center = get_coord_str([round(centroid.x, coord_precision), round(centroid.y, coord_precision)])
        feature['properties'] = {
            "tl": get_coord_str(coordinates[0]),
            "tr": get_coord_str(coordinates[1]),
            "br": get_coord_str(coordinates[2]),
            "bl": get_coord_str(coordinates[3]),
            "center": center,
            "province": properties['province'],
            "city": properties['city'],
            "county": properties['county'],
            "adcode": adcode,
            "code": "{}{}".format(adcode, '{:0>6}'.format(number))
        count += 1
            feature = next(features)
        except StopIteration:

    schema = {
        'geometry': 'Polygon',
        'properties': {
            'tl': 'str',
            'tr': 'str',
            'br': 'str',
            'bl': 'str',
            'center': 'str',
            'province': 'str',
            'city': 'str',
            'county': 'str',
            'adcode': 'str',
            'code': 'str'
    with fiona.open('{}/{}.shp'.format(shp_dir, grid_output), 'w', 'ESRI Shapefile', schema, crs=crs, encoding='utf-8') as c:
        for poly in polygons:

def get_coord_str(coord):
    lng = round(float(coord[0]), coord_precision)
    lat = round(float(coord[1]), coord_precision)
    bd_lng, bd_lat = gcj2bd(lng, lat)
    return "{},{}".format(round(bd_lng, coord_precision), round(bd_lat, coord_precision))

if __name__ == '__main__':
    import timeit

    start = timeit.default_timer()
    end = timeit.default_timer()
    print("执行时间:{}".format(str(end - start)))
from app.models import Dataset
from app import db
import fiona
import os
import json

MAX_COUNT = 10000000
project_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))

def run():
    json_file_path = 'import_shp.json'
    json_file_path = os.path.join(project_dir, json_file_path)
    with open(json_file_path, encoding='utf-8') as json_file:
        grid_config = json.load(json_file)

    shp_dir = grid_config.get('shp_dir', '')
    if shp_dir is None:
        print("ERROR: shp_dir is None")
    files = grid_config.get('files', [])
    for file in files:
        import_file(file, shp_dir)

def import_file(file_opts, shp_dir):
    file_name = file_opts.get('name', None)
    if file_name is None:
        print("ERROR: file_name is None")
    feature_type = file_opts.get('feature_type', '')
    if feature_type is None:
        print("ERROR: feature_type is None")
    print("START import {}".format(file_name))
    title = file_opts.get('title', file_name)
    description = file_opts.get('description', '')
    coordinate = file_opts.get('coordinate', 'gcj')
    source = file_opts.get('source', '')
    max_count = file_opts.get('max_features', MAX_COUNT)
    fields = file_opts.get('fields', None)
    _features = []
    collection = fiona.open("{}/{}.shp".format(shp_dir, file_name), encoding='utf-8')
    schema = collection.schema
    feature_type = schema["geometry"].upper()
    total = len(collection)
    print("features total is {}".format(total))
    index = 1
    features = iter(collection)
    feature = next(features)
    max_count = min(max_count, total)
    while index <= max_count and feature is not None:
        if fields is not None:
            properties = feature['properties']
            new_properties = {}
            for field_label in fields:
                field_name = fields.get(field_label)
                new_properties[field_label] = properties.get(field_name, '')
            feature['properties'] = new_properties
        print("{} / {}".format(index, total))
        index += 1
            feature = next(features)
        except StopIteration:

    feature_count = len(_features)
    _dataset = Dataset(title=title, description=description, feature_type=feature_type,
                       feature_count=feature_count, coordinate=coordinate, source=source)
    print("COMPLETED import {}".format(file_name))

if __name__ == '__main__':
    import timeit

    start = timeit.default_timer()
    end = timeit.default_timer()
    print("执行时间:{}".format(str(end - start)))
  "shp_dir": "/Downloads/grid",
  "files": [
      "name": "grid_code",
      "title": "网格数据",
      "description": "全国网格数据",
      "coordinate": "wgs84",
      "source": "test",
      "max_features": 10000000,
      "fields": {
        "编码": "code",
        "省": "province",
        "市": "city",
        "区县": "county",
        "行政区划编码": "adcode",
        "左上角": "tl",
        "右上角": "tr",
        "右下角": "br",
        "左下角": "bl",
        "中心点": "center"
import fiona
from fiona.crs import from_epsg
import math
import os
import json

shp_dir = ""
output_file = ""
min_lng = None
min_lat = None
max_lng = None
max_lat = None
distance = None
R = 6378137
project_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))

def save_file(polygons):
    schema = {
        'geometry': 'Polygon',
        'properties': {
            # "index": "int:10"
    crs = from_epsg(4326)
    with fiona.open('{}/{}.shp'.format(shp_dir, output_file), 'w', 'ESRI Shapefile', schema, crs=crs,
                    encoding='utf-8') as c:
        for poly in polygons:

def run():
    if min_lng is None:
        print("ERROR: min_lng is None")
    if min_lat is None:
        print("ERROR: min_lat is None")
    if max_lng is None:
        print("ERROR: max_lng is None")
    if max_lat is None:
        print("ERROR: max_lat is None")
    if min_lng > max_lng:
        print("ERROR: min_lng must less than max_lng")
    if min_lat > max_lat:
        print("ERROR: min_lat must less than max_lat")
    if distance is None:
        print("ERROR: distance is None")
    index = 0
    polygons = []
    lng = min_lng
    lat = min_lat
    lng_list = get_row_lng_list(lng, lat, distance)
    print("lng_list: {}".format(len(lng_list)))
    lat_list = get_col_lat_list(lng, lat, distance)
    print("lat_list: {}".format(len(lat_list)))
    for i, lng in enumerate(lng_list):
        if i + 1 >= len(lng_list):
        for j, lat in enumerate(lat_list):
            if j + 1 >= len(lat_list):
            bl_lng = lng_list[i]
            bl_lat = lat_list[j]
            tr_lng = lng_list[i + 1]
            tr_lat = lat_list[j + 1]
            geometry = {
                "type": "Polygon",
                "coordinates": [[
                    (bl_lng, bl_lat),
                    (bl_lng, tr_lat),
                    (tr_lng, tr_lat),
                    (tr_lng, bl_lat),
                    (bl_lng, bl_lat)
            feature = {
                "type": "Feature",
                "properties": {
                    # "index": index
                "geometry": geometry
            index += 1
            if index % 100 == 0:
                print("index: {}".format(index))

    print("total polygons: {}".format(str(index - 1)))

def get_col_lat_list(lng, lat, d):
    lat_list = [lat]
    while lat < max_lat:
        lng_2, lat_2 = get_lng_lat(lng, lat, d)
        lat = lat_2
    return lat_list

def get_row_lng_list(lng, lat, d):
    lng_list = [lng]
    while lng < max_lng:
        lng_2, lat_2 = get_lng_lat(lng, lat, d)
        lng = lng_2
    return lng_list

def get_lng_lat(lng, lat, d):
    lng_1 = math.radians(lng)
    lat_1 = math.radians(lat)
    lng_2 = math.acos(math.cos(d / R)) + lng_1
    lng_2 = math.degrees(lng_2)
    lat_2 = math.acos(
        (math.cos(d / R) - math.sin(lat_1) * math.sin(lat_1)) / (math.cos(lat_1) * math.cos(lat_1))) + lat_1
    lat_2 = math.degrees(lat_2)
    return lng_2, lat_2

if __name__ == '__main__':
    import timeit

    json_file_path = 'create_grid.json'
    json_file_path = os.path.join(project_dir, json_file_path)
    with open(json_file_path, encoding='utf-8') as json_file:
        grid_config = json.load(json_file)

    shp_dir = grid_config.get('shp_dir')
    output_file = grid_config.get('output_file')
    min_lng = grid_config.get('min_lng')
    max_lng = grid_config.get('max_lng')
    min_lat = grid_config.get('min_lat')
    max_lat = grid_config.get('max_lat')
    distance = grid_config.get('distance')
    if "R" in grid_config:
        R = grid_config.get('R')

    start = timeit.default_timer()
    end = timeit.default_timer()
    print("执行时间:{}".format(str(end - start)))
  "shp_dir": "/Downloads",
  "output_file": "grid_wgs84.shp",
  "min_lng": 0,
  "max_lng": 180,
  "min_lat": 0,
  "max_lat": 90,
  "distance": 1,
  "R": 6378137