h1. iTerm2 - Useful Shortcuts (Mac OS X)
_with a hat tip to "Sublime Text 2 Shortcuts":https://gist.github.com/lucasfais/1207002_
h2. The Awesome
| *⌘;* | autocomplete |
| *⌘⌥B* | instant replay |
| *⌘⌥E* | search across all tabs |
h2. Splits/Tabs
| *⌘T* | open new tab |
| *⌘⌥]* | next tab |
| *⌘⌥[* | previous tab |
| *⌘D* | split pane left-right |
| *⌘⌥D* | split pane top-bottom |
| *⌘]* | next pane |
| *⌘[* | previous pane |
| *⌘⌥I* | Input to all panes |
h2. Resizing
| *⌘⌥=* | toggle maximize window |
| *⌘Enter* | toggle fullscreen |
| *⌘+* | increase font and window size |
| *⌘-* | decrease font and window size |