6/3/2014 - 12:20 PM

A first draft for a script, which converts a Kirby site into a static site. It's a rough first draft, so don't expect it to be perfect. Play

A first draft for a script, which converts a Kirby site into a static site. It's a rough first draft, so don't expect it to be perfect. Play with it, if you like it!


 * Instructions:
 * 1. Put this into the document root of your Kirby site
 * 2. Make sure to setup the base url for your site correctly
 * 3. Run this script with `php statify.php` or open it in your browser
 * 4. Upload all files and folders from static to your server
 * 5. Test your site

// Setup the base url for your site here
$url = 'http://localhost/kirby/support/starterkit/static';

// Don't touch below here

// load the cms bootstrapper
include(__DIR__ . DS . 'kirby' . DS . 'bootstrap.php');

$kirby = kirby();
$kirby->urls->index = $url; 

$site = $kirby->site();

if($site->multilang()) {
  die('Multilanguage sites are not supported');

dir::copy(__DIR__ . DS . 'assets',  __DIR__ . DS . 'static' . DS . 'assets');
dir::copy(__DIR__ . DS . 'content', __DIR__ . DS . 'static' . DS . 'content');

// set the timezone for all date functions

// load all extensions

// load all plugins

// load all models

// load all language variables

foreach($site->index() as $page) {
  $html = $kirby->render($page);

  if($page->isHomePage()) {
    $root = __DIR__ . DS . 'static' . DS . 'index.html';
  } else {
    $root = __DIR__ . DS . 'static' . DS . $page->uri() . DS . 'index.html';

  f::write($root, $html);



Your site has been exported to the <b>static</b> folder.<br />
Copy all sites and folders from there and upload them to your server.<br />
Make sure the main URL is correct: <b><?php echo $url ?></b>