* Array in ES5/ES6
const boxes = document.querySelectorAll('.box')
// ES5
var boxesArr5 = Array.prototype.slice.call(boxes)
boxesArr5.forEach(function(element) {
return element.style.backgroundColor = 'dodgerblue'
}, this);
// ES6
var boxesArr6 = Array.from(boxes)
boxesArr6.forEach(element => element.style.backgroundColor = 'dodgerblue')
// ES5
for (var i = 0; i < boxes.length; i++) {
var element = boxes[i];
if (element.className === 'box blue') {
element.textContent = 'I\'ve changed!'
// ES6
for (const x of boxes) {
if (x.className.includes('blue')) {
x.textContent = 'I\'ve changed!'
// ES5
var ages = [2, 1, 3, 35, 45, 30, 36, 42, 55]
var full = ages.map(function(element) {
return element >= 36
// ES6
var full = ages.find(element => element >= 3)
/* ES5 - Classes
var Person5 = function(name, yearOfBirth, job){
this.name = name
this.yearOfBirth = yearOfBirth
this.job = job
Person5.prototype.calculateAge = function(){
var age = (new Date().getFullYear() - this.yearOfBirth)
var person5 = new Person5('Joe', 1986, 'Front end developer')
// ES5 - Inheritance
var Athelete5 = function(name, yearOfBirth, job, olymicGame, medals){
// this keyword will point to an empty object
//call method, this will be invoked only when we create an instance of Athlete5 such as in my line of code above. The Athlete5 function constructor will run, and the first thing it does is call the Person5 function constructor with the ‘this’ keyword set to our newly created Athlete5 object, which we have called john .
Person5.call(this, name, yearOfBirth, job)
this.olymicGame = olymicGame;
this.medals = medals;
// Object.create allows you to manually set the prototype of an object.
// In this case you want a prototype of Athelete5 to be a prototype of Person5 so this they will become connected
Athelete5.prototype = Object.create(Person5.prototype)
Athelete5.prototype.wonMedal = function(){
this.medals ++
var johnAthelete5 = new Athelete5('Joe', 1986, 'Web Developer', 5, 8)
/* ES6 - Classes
class Person6{
constructor(name, yearOfBirth, job){
this.name = name
this.yearOfBirth = yearOfBirth
this.job = job
let age = (new Date().getFullYear() - this.yearOfBirth)
// static functionsta - usually use this as a helper function
static greeting(){
console.log('Hey, There!')
let person6 = new Person6('Joe', 1986, 'Front end developer')
// callin static function
class Athelete6 extends Person6{
// With function constructors, you will need to repeat Person6 properties if you want them on johnAthelete6
constructor(name, yearOfBirth, job, olymicGame, medals){
super(name, yearOfBirth, job) //these are the constructors of Person6 class
this.olymicGame = olymicGame
this.medals = medals
this.medals ++
const johnAthelete6 = new Athelete6('John', 1990, 'Swimmer', 5, 28)
= Destructuring
// Array
// ES5
var joe = ['Joe', 31]
var name = joe[0]
var age = [1]
console.log(name, age)
// ES 6
var joe = ["Joe", 31];
const [name, age] = joe
// Object
const obj = {
firstname: 'Joe',
lastname: 'Boo'
const { firstname: first, lastname: last } = obj;
function calcAgeRetirement(year){
const age = new Date().getFullYear() - year
return [age, 65 - age]
const [age, retirement] = calcAgeRetirement(1990)
// Example 1
function convertCurrency(amount) {
const converted = {
USD: amount * 0.76,
GPB: amount * 0.53,
AUD: amount * 1.01,
MEX: amount * 13.30
return converted;
const hundo = convertCurrency(100)
// Destructuring an objects
// you can put your objects in any order and it will works fine
const { USD, GPB } = hundo
// console.log(USD, GPB);
// default name argument
// when passing in as an objects, it's gonna Destructuring them into an object. This will Destructuring them into vaiable.
function tipCalc({total = 100, tip = 0.15, tax = 0.13}) {
return total + (tip * total) + (tax * total)
console.log(tipCalc({ tax: 0.3}))
// const bill = tipCalc({ tip: 0.20, total: 200 });
//Example 2
const person = {
first: 'Wes',
last: 'Bos',
country: 'Canada',
city: 'Hamilton',
twitter: '@wesbos'
= Example 1 =
// const first = person.first;
// const last = person.last;
// const twitter = person.twitter;
// output: Object {first: "Wes", last: "Bos", country: "Canada", city: "Hamilton", twitter: "@wesbos"}
const { first, last, country, city, twitter } = person;
= Example 2 =
const wes = {
first: 'Wes',
last: 'Bos',
links: {
social: {
twitter: 'https://twitter.com/wesbos',
facebook: 'https://facebook.com/wesbos.developer',
web: {
blog: 'https://wesbos.com'
// twitter is stored in 'tweet'
// facebook is stored in 'fb'
// console.log(tweet);
// output: Object {twitter: "https://twitter.com/wesbos", facebook: "https://facebook.com/wesbos.developer"}
const { twitter: tweet, facebook: facebook } = wes.links.social;
= Example 3 =
const settings = {
// width: 300,
color: 'black'
} // require height, fontSize
const {
width = 100,
height = 100,
color = 'blue',
fontSize = 25
} = settings;
// output: Object {width: 300, color: "black"}
//Example 3
let inRing = 'Hulk Hogan';
let onSide = 'The Rock';
// console.log('in ring' + inRing, onSide);
console.log('In ring:'+`${inRing} ` + ', On Side: ' + `${onSide}`);
// result: In ring:Hulk Hogan , On Side: The Rock
[inRing, onSide] = [onSide, inRing]; // switching string value
// console.log(inRing, onSide);
console.log('In ring:'+`${inRing} ` + ', On Side: ' + `${onSide}`);
// result: In ring:The Rock , On Side: Hulk Hogan
// Example 4
// Ex.1
const details = ['Joe Boo🤓 ', 123, 'kanisorn.com'];
const [name,id,website] = details;
console.log(`Name: ${name}, ID: ${id}, Website: ${website}`);
// result: Name: Wes Bos, ID: 123, Website: wesbos.com
// Ex.2
const data = 'bastketball, Sports, 90210, 23'
// Destructuring an array
const [itemName,category,sku,inventory] = data.split(', ');
// result: bastketball Sports 90210 23
// Ex.3
const team = ['a','b','c','d','e'];
const [captain, assistant, ...players] = team;
console.log(`captain:${captain}, assistant:${assistant}, players:${players}`); // using rest '...' operator means that it will give you the rest of an array
// captain:a, assistant:b, players:c,d,e
// result: a b ["c", "d", "e"]