Golang build flags
$ GOOS=<okgoos> GOARCH=<okgoarch> go build ...
// Go 1.6.1, Some combinations are valid, some not
// The known operating systems.
var okgoos = []string{
// The known architectures.
var okgoarch = []string{
// Valid combinations
var cgoEnabled = map[string]bool{
"darwin/386": true,
"darwin/amd64": true,
"darwin/arm": true,
"darwin/arm64": true,
"dragonfly/amd64": true,
"freebsd/386": true,
"freebsd/amd64": true,
"freebsd/arm": true,
"linux/386": true,
"linux/amd64": true,
"linux/arm": true,
"linux/arm64": true,
"linux/ppc64le": true,
"android/386": true,
"android/amd64": true,
"android/arm": true,
"netbsd/386": true,
"netbsd/amd64": true,
"netbsd/arm": true,
"openbsd/386": true,
"openbsd/amd64": true,
"solaris/amd64": true,
"windows/386": true,
"windows/amd64": true,
"linux/s390x": true,