11/8/2012 - 4:56 PM

xJSFL inspection of an Arial 40px static textfield containing Hello There

xJSFL inspection of an Arial 40px static textfield containing Hello There

// init

// get the first element
var obj = $('*').get(0);

// inspect properties
inspect(obj.objectSpaceBounds, 'objectSpaceBounds')
inspect(Utils.getValues(obj, ['x', 'y', 'width', 'height', 'matrix'], 1), '[x, y, width, height, matrix]')
inspect($dom.getSelectionRect(), 'document.getSelectionRect()')

// results

objectSpaceBounds: Object (depth:4, objects:0, values:4, time:0.0 seconds)
object => Object
	 left: -1.999
	 top: -1.999
	 right: 195.65
	 bottom: 46.7

[x, y, width, height, matrix]: Object (depth:4, objects:1, values:10, time:0.0 seconds)
object => Object
	 x: 2
	 y: 2
	 width: 197.65
	 height: 48.7
	[matrix] => Object
		 a: 1
		 b: 0
		 c: 0
		 d: 1
		 tx: 2
		 ty: 2

document.getSelectionRect(): Object (depth:4, objects:0, values:4, time:0.0 seconds)
object => Object
	 left: 0
	 top: 0
	 right: 197.65
	 bottom: 48.7