11/24/2016 - 9:10 AM

Create thumbnail of image while uploading

Create thumbnail of image while uploading


    // Begin
		$img = new Imaging;
		// Small thumbnail
		// Finalize

class Imaging

    // Variables
    private $img_input;
    private $img_output;
    private $img_src;
    private $format;
    private $quality = 80;
    private $x_input;
    private $y_input;
    private $x_output;
    private $y_output;
    private $resize;

    // Set image
    public function set_img($img)

        // Find format
        $ext = strtoupper(pathinfo($img, PATHINFO_EXTENSION));

        // JPEG image
        if(is_file($img) && ($ext == "JPG" OR $ext == "JPEG"))

            $this->format = $ext;
            $this->img_input = ImageCreateFromJPEG($img);
            $this->img_src = $img;


        // PNG image
        elseif(is_file($img) && $ext == "PNG")

            $this->format = $ext;
            $this->img_input = ImageCreateFromPNG($img);
            $this->img_src = $img;


        // GIF image
        elseif(is_file($img) && $ext == "GIF")

            $this->format = $ext;
            $this->img_input = ImageCreateFromGIF($img);
            $this->img_src = $img;


        // Get dimensions
        $this->x_input = imagesx($this->img_input);
        $this->y_input = imagesy($this->img_input);


    // Set maximum image size (pixels)
    public function set_size($size = 100)

        // Resize
        if($this->x_input > $size && $this->y_input > $size)

            // Wide
            if($this->x_input >= $this->y_input)

                $this->x_output = $size;
                $this->y_output = ($this->x_output / $this->x_input) * $this->y_input;


            // Tall

                $this->y_output = $size;
                $this->x_output = ($this->y_output / $this->y_input) * $this->x_input;


            // Ready
            $this->resize = TRUE;


        // Don't resize
        else { $this->resize = FALSE; }


    // Set image quality (JPEG only)
    public function set_quality($quality)


            $this->quality = $quality;



    // Save image
    public function save_img($path)

        // Resize

            $this->img_output = ImageCreateTrueColor($this->x_output, $this->y_output);
            ImageCopyResampled($this->img_output, $this->img_input, 0, 0, 0, 0, $this->x_output, $this->y_output, $this->x_input, $this->y_input);


        // Save JPEG
        if($this->format == "JPG" OR $this->format == "JPEG")

            if($this->resize) { imageJPEG($this->img_output, $path, $this->quality); }
            else { copy($this->img_src, $path); }


        // Save PNG
        elseif($this->format == "PNG")

            if($this->resize) { imagePNG($this->img_output, $path); }
            else { copy($this->img_src, $path); }


        // Save GIF
        elseif($this->format == "GIF")

            if($this->resize) { imageGIF($this->img_output, $path); }
            else { copy($this->img_src, $path); }



    // Get width
    public function get_width()

        return $this->x_input;


    // Get height
    public function get_height()

        return $this->y_input;


    // Clear image cache
    public function clear_cache()



