7/12/2017 - 6:06 AM

Insert Content from one file to another

Insert Content from one file to another


Instead of changing file formats, we leveraged the flexibility of Hugo to use the meta data (front matter) from the Markdown file as a trigger to tell Hugo to insert content from one file to another.

The code looks like this:

{{ if .Params.include }}
 {{ $include := .Params.include }}
 {{ if eq .Params.editorversion 3 }}
   {{ range where .Site.Pages "" "menub3editor" }}
     {{ $file := .File.BaseFileName }}
     {{ if eq $file $include }}
       {{ .Content }}
     {{ end }}
   {{ end }}
 {{ else if eq .Params.editorversion 2 }}
   {{ range where .Site.Pages "" "menub2editor" }}
     {{ $file := .File.BaseFileName }}
     {{ if eq $file $include }}
       {{ .Content }}
     {{ end }}
   {{ end }}
 {{ else }}
   {{ end }}
{{ else }}
 {{ .Content }}
{{ end }}

Hugo looks for two pieces of front matter. The first is the presence of a parameter called include. If that exists, it looks to see which version of the editor to use. Then it copies the content from the file with the same name from the core documentation folder (“_v2” or “_v3”) specified in the editor version parameter.