lera.cernolev of Help Center Snippets
1/21/2020 - 12:18 PM

Migrated - HC || Integrating with Webhooks

// If you created a login form with fields 
// 'Your email' and 'Your password', 
// then you will map these fields to:

'Your email' => 'email'
'Your password' => 'password'

// Then after submit in your endpoint you can 
// get these data with code:

$email = trim( strip_tags( $_POST[ 'email' ] ) );
$password = trim( strip_tags( $_POST[ 'password' ] ) );

// It can't be more simple.

// You can get page data...   
$page_id = $_POST[ 'page_id' ];
$page_url = $_POST[ 'page_url' ];
$variant = $_POST[ 'variant' ]; 