Test if user exists
# given we have $username and a $password
# system account is a domain user
# careful here, if the user running this script is a local user this test will fail
$rawUsername = $username.Split("\")[1]
if(-NOT(Test-ADCredential -username $rawUsername -password $password)){
Write-Error("The AD system account for '"+$username+"' does not exist, or the password is not correct. Please correct the credentials and rerun the script")
} else
# system account is a local user
$winfilter = "LocalAccount='true' and Name='"+$username+"'"
$serviceUser = Get-WmiObject Win32_UserAccount -Filter $winfilter
if($serviceUser -eq $Null -or $serviceUser -eq '')
Write-Error("The local system account for '"+$username+"' does not exist, or the password is not correct. Please correct the credentials and rerun the script")