5/22/2016 - 10:46 AM


#pragma once
#include "DataManager.h"
#include "DotNetUtilities.h"
#include <queue>
#include <stack>
#include <math.h>
#include <string>

typedef struct {
	double ans = 0;
	double x = 0;

typedef struct {
	double x2 = 0;
	double y2 = 0;
	double xy = 0;
	double x = 0;
	double y = 0;
	double x2y2 = 0;
	double x2y = 0;
	double xy2 = 0;
	double normal = 0;
	double x05 = 0;
	double x051 = 0;
	double x151 = 0;


function_numbers newton_function_number;

std::vector<std::string> equations;

namespace Optimization {

	using namespace System;
	using namespace System::ComponentModel;
	using namespace System::Collections;
	using namespace System::Windows::Forms;
	using namespace System::Data;
	using namespace System::Drawing;

	/// <summary>
	/// MyForm ™∫∫K≠n
	/// </summary>
	public ref class MyForm : public System::Windows::Forms::Form
			dataManager = new DataManager();
			//TODO:  ¶b¶π•[§J´ÿ∫c®Á¶°µ{¶°ΩX

		/// <summary>
		DataManager* dataManager;
		/// ≤M∞£•Ù¶Û®œ•Œ§§™∫∏Í∑Ω°C
		/// </summary>
			if (components)
				delete components;
	private: System::Windows::Forms::TableLayoutPanel^  tableLayoutPanel1;
	private: System::Windows::Forms::FlowLayoutPanel^  flowLayoutPanel1;
	private: System::Windows::Forms::Label^  InputText;
	private: System::Windows::Forms::TextBox^  Input;
	private: System::Windows::Forms::Label^  OutputText;
	private: System::Windows::Forms::TextBox^  Output;
	private: System::Windows::Forms::MenuStrip^  menuStrip1;
	private: System::Windows::Forms::ToolStripMenuItem^  fileToolStripMenuItem;
	private: System::Windows::Forms::ToolStripMenuItem^  loadEquationsToolStripMenuItem;
	private: System::Windows::Forms::OpenFileDialog^  openFileDialog1;

		/// <summary>
		/// ≥]≠p§u®„©“ª›™∫≈‹º∆°C
		/// </summary>
		String^ userInput;
		bool newton1 = false;
		bool choose_function = false;
		bool enter_initial=false;
		int one_or_two = 0;
		array <String ^> ^newton_interval;
		int function_number = 0;
		bool Conjugate = false;
		double conjugate_interval_start,conjugate_interval_end;
		array<String ^> ^conjugate_initial;
		bool conjugate_enter_interval;
		bool conjugate_choose_function;
		bool Quasi_choose_function = false;
		bool Quasi_enter_interval = false;
		bool Quasi = false;

		System::ComponentModel::Container ^components;

#pragma region Windows Form Designer generated code
		/// <summary>
		/// ¶π¨∞≥]≠p§u®„§‰¥©©“ª›™∫§Ë™k - Ω–§≈®œ•Œµ{¶°ΩXΩsøËæπ≠◊ßÔ
		/// ≥o≠”§Ë™k™∫§∫Æe°C
		/// </summary>
		void InitializeComponent(void)
			this->tableLayoutPanel1 = (gcnew System::Windows::Forms::TableLayoutPanel());
			this->flowLayoutPanel1 = (gcnew System::Windows::Forms::FlowLayoutPanel());
			this->InputText = (gcnew System::Windows::Forms::Label());
			this->Input = (gcnew System::Windows::Forms::TextBox());
			this->OutputText = (gcnew System::Windows::Forms::Label());
			this->Output = (gcnew System::Windows::Forms::TextBox());
			this->menuStrip1 = (gcnew System::Windows::Forms::MenuStrip());
			this->fileToolStripMenuItem = (gcnew System::Windows::Forms::ToolStripMenuItem());
			this->loadEquationsToolStripMenuItem = (gcnew System::Windows::Forms::ToolStripMenuItem());
			this->openFileDialog1 = (gcnew System::Windows::Forms::OpenFileDialog());
			// tableLayoutPanel1
			this->tableLayoutPanel1->ColumnCount = 1;
			this->tableLayoutPanel1->ColumnStyles->Add((gcnew System::Windows::Forms::ColumnStyle(System::Windows::Forms::SizeType::Percent,
			this->tableLayoutPanel1->Controls->Add(this->flowLayoutPanel1, 0, 1);
			this->tableLayoutPanel1->Controls->Add(this->menuStrip1, 0, 0);
			this->tableLayoutPanel1->Dock = System::Windows::Forms::DockStyle::Fill;
			this->tableLayoutPanel1->Location = System::Drawing::Point(0, 0);
			this->tableLayoutPanel1->Margin = System::Windows::Forms::Padding(4);
			this->tableLayoutPanel1->Name = L"tableLayoutPanel1";
			this->tableLayoutPanel1->RowCount = 2;
			this->tableLayoutPanel1->RowStyles->Add((gcnew System::Windows::Forms::RowStyle(System::Windows::Forms::SizeType::Percent, 5)));
			this->tableLayoutPanel1->RowStyles->Add((gcnew System::Windows::Forms::RowStyle(System::Windows::Forms::SizeType::Percent, 95)));
			this->tableLayoutPanel1->Size = System::Drawing::Size(645, 761);
			this->tableLayoutPanel1->TabIndex = 0;
			// flowLayoutPanel1
			this->flowLayoutPanel1->Dock = System::Windows::Forms::DockStyle::Fill;
			this->flowLayoutPanel1->Location = System::Drawing::Point(4, 42);
			this->flowLayoutPanel1->Margin = System::Windows::Forms::Padding(4);
			this->flowLayoutPanel1->Name = L"flowLayoutPanel1";
			this->flowLayoutPanel1->Size = System::Drawing::Size(637, 715);
			this->flowLayoutPanel1->TabIndex = 0;
			// InputText
			this->InputText->AutoSize = true;
			this->InputText->Location = System::Drawing::Point(4, 0);
			this->InputText->Margin = System::Windows::Forms::Padding(4, 0, 4, 0);
			this->InputText->Name = L"InputText";
			this->InputText->Size = System::Drawing::Size(37, 15);
			this->InputText->TabIndex = 0;
			this->InputText->Text = L"Input";
			// Input
			this->Input->Location = System::Drawing::Point(4, 19);
			this->Input->Margin = System::Windows::Forms::Padding(4);
			this->Input->Multiline = true;
			this->Input->Name = L"Input";
			this->Input->Size = System::Drawing::Size(632, 164);
			this->Input->TabIndex = 1;
			this->Input->TextChanged += gcnew System::EventHandler(this, &MyForm::Input_TextChanged);
			// OutputText
			this->OutputText->AutoSize = true;
			this->OutputText->Location = System::Drawing::Point(4, 187);
			this->OutputText->Margin = System::Windows::Forms::Padding(4, 0, 4, 0);
			this->OutputText->Name = L"OutputText";
			this->OutputText->Size = System::Drawing::Size(46, 15);
			this->OutputText->TabIndex = 2;
			this->OutputText->Text = L"Output";
			// Output
			this->Output->Location = System::Drawing::Point(4, 206);
			this->Output->Margin = System::Windows::Forms::Padding(4);
			this->Output->Multiline = true;
			this->Output->Name = L"Output";
			this->Output->ScrollBars = System::Windows::Forms::ScrollBars::Vertical;
			this->Output->Size = System::Drawing::Size(632, 498);
			this->Output->TabIndex = 3;
			// menuStrip1
			this->menuStrip1->ImageScalingSize = System::Drawing::Size(20, 20);
			this->menuStrip1->Items->AddRange(gcnew cli::array< System::Windows::Forms::ToolStripItem^  >(1) { this->fileToolStripMenuItem });
			this->menuStrip1->Location = System::Drawing::Point(0, 0);
			this->menuStrip1->Name = L"menuStrip1";
			this->menuStrip1->Padding = System::Windows::Forms::Padding(8, 2, 0, 2);
			this->menuStrip1->Size = System::Drawing::Size(645, 38);
			this->menuStrip1->TabIndex = 1;
			this->menuStrip1->Text = L"menuStrip1";
			// fileToolStripMenuItem
			this->fileToolStripMenuItem->DropDownItems->AddRange(gcnew cli::array< System::Windows::Forms::ToolStripItem^  >(1) { this->loadEquationsToolStripMenuItem });
			this->fileToolStripMenuItem->Name = L"fileToolStripMenuItem";
			this->fileToolStripMenuItem->Size = System::Drawing::Size(64, 34);
			this->fileToolStripMenuItem->Text = L"File";
			// loadEquationsToolStripMenuItem
			this->loadEquationsToolStripMenuItem->Name = L"loadEquationsToolStripMenuItem";
			this->loadEquationsToolStripMenuItem->Size = System::Drawing::Size(265, 34);
			this->loadEquationsToolStripMenuItem->Text = L"Load Equations";
			this->loadEquationsToolStripMenuItem->Click += gcnew System::EventHandler(this, &MyForm::loadEquationsToolStripMenuItem_Click);
			// openFileDialog1
			this->openFileDialog1->FileName = L"openFileDialog1";
			this->openFileDialog1->FileOk += gcnew System::ComponentModel::CancelEventHandler(this, &MyForm::openFileDialog1_FileOk);
			// MyForm
			this->AutoScaleDimensions = System::Drawing::SizeF(8, 15);
			this->AutoScaleMode = System::Windows::Forms::AutoScaleMode::Font;
			this->ClientSize = System::Drawing::Size(645, 761);
			this->MainMenuStrip = this->menuStrip1;
			this->Margin = System::Windows::Forms::Padding(4);
			this->Name = L"MyForm";
			this->Text = L"Optimization";
			this->Load += gcnew System::EventHandler(this, &MyForm::MyForm_Load);

#pragma endregion

	private: System::Void MyForm_Load(System::Object^  sender, System::EventArgs^  e) {
	private: void distinguish_data(array<String^> ^data, std::queue<char> operates) {
		//	Output->Text += operates[0] + " " + operates[1] + " " + operates[2] + " ";
		double coefficient, Denominator, molecular;  //´Yº∆,§¿•¿,§¿§l
		bool isX = false, isY = false, isX2 = false, isY2 = false, isX_ = false, isY_ = false;
		String^ temp;

		for (int i = 0; i < data->Length; i++) {   //®C§@∂µ
			isX = false, isY = false, isX2 = false, isY2 = false, isX_ = false, isY_ = false;
			coefficient = 1;

			if (data[i] == "") {   //¶p™G¶≥™≈™∫∏‹  ∏ıπL
			else {					//¶p™G§£¨O™≈™∫
				array<String^> ^temp_data;

				temp_data = data[i]->Split('*');   //¶Aß‚®C§@∂µ®Ã∑”*®”§¿¶®¶n¥X≠”

				for (int j = 0; j < temp_data->Length; j++) {
					if (temp_data[j] == "x") {
						isX = true;
					else if (temp_data[j] == "x^2") {
						isX2 = true;
					else if (temp_data[j] == "x^(0.5)") {
						isX_ = true;
					else if (temp_data[j] == "y") {
						isY = true;
					else if (temp_data[j] == "y^2") {
						isY2 = true;
					else if (temp_data[j] == "y^(0.5)") {
						isY_ = true;
					else {		//¨O´Yº∆
						array<String^> ^number;
						bool iscoefficient = false;
						for (int k = 0; k < temp_data[j]->Length; k++) {
							if (temp_data[j][k] == '/') {
								number = temp_data[j]->Split('/');
								molecular = Convert::ToDouble(number[0]);
								Denominator = Convert::ToDouble(number[1]);
								coefficient = molecular / Denominator;
								iscoefficient = true;

						if (!iscoefficient) {
							coefficient = Convert::ToDouble(temp_data[j]);

				if (isX&&!(isY || isY2 || isY_)) {   //x
					if (operates.front() == '+')
						newton_function_number.x += coefficient;
					else if (operates.front() == '-') {
						newton_function_number.x -= coefficient;
				else if (isX2&&!(isY || isY2 || isY_)) {    //x2
					if (operates.front() == '+')
						newton_function_number.x2 += coefficient;
					else if (operates.front() == '-') {
						newton_function_number.x2 -= coefficient;
				else if (isX&&isY) {       //xy
					if (operates.front() == '+')
						newton_function_number.xy += coefficient;
					else if (operates.front() == '-') {
						newton_function_number.xy -= coefficient;
				else if (isY&&!(isX || isX2 || isX_)) {    //y
					if (operates.front() == '+')
						newton_function_number.y += coefficient;
					else if (operates.front() == '-') {
						newton_function_number.y -= coefficient;
				else if (isY2&&!(isX || isX2 || isX_)) {    //y2
					if (operates.front() == '+')
						newton_function_number.y2 += coefficient;
					else if (operates.front() == '-') {
						newton_function_number.y2 -= coefficient;
				else if (isX2&&isY2) {    //x2y2
					if (operates.front() == '+')
						newton_function_number.x2y2 += coefficient;
					else if (operates.front() == '-') {
						newton_function_number.x2y2 -= coefficient;
				else if (isX2&&isY) {    //x2y
					if (operates.front() == '+')
						newton_function_number.x2y += coefficient;
					else if (operates.front() == '-') {
						newton_function_number.x2y -= coefficient;
				else if (isX&&isY2) {    //xy2
					if (operates.front() == '+')
						newton_function_number.xy2 += coefficient;
					else if (operates.front() == '-') {
						newton_function_number.xy2 -= coefficient;
				else if (isX_) {      //x^0.5
					if (operates.front() == '+')
						newton_function_number.x05 += coefficient;
					else if (operates.front() == '-') {
						newton_function_number.x05 -= coefficient;
				else {  //normal
					if (operates.front() == '+')
						newton_function_number.normal += coefficient;
					else if (operates.front() == '-') {
						newton_function_number.normal -= coefficient;



	private: System::Void loadEquationsToolStripMenuItem_Click(System::Object^  sender, System::EventArgs^  e) {
	private: System::Void openFileDialog1_FileOk(System::Object^  sender, System::ComponentModel::CancelEventArgs^  e) {
		//¶r¶Í¬‡®Óstring^ to string
		std::string tempFileName;
		MarshalString(openFileDialog1->FileName, tempFileName);
		if (dataManager->LoadEquationData())
			equations = dataManager->GetEquations();
			Output->Multiline = true;
			for (unsigned int i = 0; i < equations.size(); i++)
				Output->Text += gcnew String(equations[i].c_str());
				Output->Text += Environment::NewLine;
			Output->Text += "chose a method(Enter the number)" + Environment::NewLine +
				"1.Newton Method" + Environment::NewLine +
				"2.Quasi-Newton Method" + Environment::NewLine +
				"3.Conjugate Gradient Methods" + Environment::NewLine;
	private: System::Void Input_TextChanged(System::Object^  sender, System::EventArgs^  e) {

		if (Input->Text->Length - 1 >= 0 && Input->Text[Input->Text->Length - 1] == '\n') {
			array <String ^> ^command = userInput->Split(' ');
			if (choose_function) {
				function_number = Convert::ToInt32(command[0]);    //®˙±o®œ•Œ≠˛§@≠”®Á¶°,•—0∂}©l
				Output->Text += "Enter the is One-variable(1) or Two-variable(2) equations: " + Environment::NewLine;
				choose_function = false;
				newton1 = true;
			else if (newton1) {
				one_or_two = Convert::ToInt32(command[0]);

				if (one_or_two == 1) {
					Output->Text += "Enter the initial[x]:"+ Environment::NewLine;
					enter_initial = true;
				else if (one_or_two == 2) {
					std::queue<char> operates;
					std::string temp = equations[function_number];
					newton_interval = command; //newton_interval[0]¨∞X, newton_interval[1]¨∞Y
					for (int i = 0; i < temp.length(); i++) {
						if (i == 0 && (temp[i] != '-')) {
						else if (temp[i] == '+' || temp[i] == '-') {
							temp[i] = ' ';

					String^ temp_String;
					temp_String = gcnew String(temp.c_str());
					//MarshalString(temp_String, temp);
					array<String^> ^data = temp_String->Split(' ');

					distinguish_data(data, operates);

				newton1 = false;

				/*Output->Text +="x2= "+ newton_function_number.x2 + Environment::NewLine +
					"x= " + newton_function_number.x + Environment::NewLine +
					"y2= " + newton_function_number.y2 + Environment::NewLine +
					"y= " + newton_function_number.y + Environment::NewLine +
					"x2y= " + newton_function_number.x2y + Environment::NewLine +
					"xy2= " + newton_function_number.xy2 + Environment::NewLine +
					"x2y2= " + newton_function_number.x2y2 + Environment::NewLine +
					"x0.5= " + newton_function_number.x05 + Environment::NewLine +
					"normal= " + newton_function_number.normal + Environment::NewLine;*/

			else if (enter_initial) {
				std::queue<char> operates;
				std::string temp = equations[function_number];
				newton_interval = command; //newton_interval[0]¨∞X, newton_interval[1]¨∞Y
				for (int i = 0; i < temp.length(); i++) {
					if (i == 0 && (temp[i] != '-')) {
					else if (temp[i] == '+' || temp[i] == '-') {
						temp[i] = ' ';

				String^ temp_String;
				temp_String = gcnew String(temp.c_str());
				//MarshalString(temp_String, temp);
				array<String^> ^data = temp_String->Split(' ');

				distinguish_data(data, operates);

				/*Output->Text += "x2= " + newton_function_number.x2 + Environment::NewLine +
					"x= " + newton_function_number.x + Environment::NewLine +
					"y2= " + newton_function_number.y2 + Environment::NewLine +
					"y= " + newton_function_number.y + Environment::NewLine +
					"x2y= " + newton_function_number.x2y + Environment::NewLine +
					"xy2= " + newton_function_number.xy2 + Environment::NewLine +
					"x2y2= " + newton_function_number.x2y2 + Environment::NewLine +
					"x0.5= " + newton_function_number.x05 + Environment::NewLine +
					"normal= " + newton_function_number.normal + Environment::NewLine;*/

				newton_1(newton_function_number, Convert::ToDouble(command[0]));
				enter_initial = false;
			else if (Conjugate) {
				//conjugate_initial = command; //conjugate_initial[0]¨∞X, conjugate_initial[1]¨∞Y
				std::queue<char> operates;
				std::string temp = equations[function_number];

				for (int i = 0; i < temp.length(); i++) {
					if (i == 0 && (temp[i] != '-')) {
					else if (temp[i] == '+' || temp[i] == '-') {
						temp[i] = ' ';

				String^ temp_String;
				temp_String = gcnew String(temp.c_str());
				//MarshalString(temp_String, temp);
				array<String^> ^data = temp_String->Split(' ');

				distinguish_data(data, operates);

				conjugate_2(newton_function_number, Convert::ToDouble(command[0]), Convert::ToDouble(command[1]));

				Conjugate = false;

			else if (conjugate_enter_interval) {//øȧJ∞œ∂°
				conjugate_interval_start = Convert::ToDouble(command[0]);
				conjugate_interval_end = Convert::ToDouble(command[1]);//conjugate_enter_interval[0]¨∞≥çp≠»,conjugate_enter_interval[1]¨∞≥çj≠»
				Output->Text += "[" + command[0] + "," + command[1] + "]" + Environment::NewLine;
				Output->Text += "Enter the initial : ";
				conjugate_enter_interval = false;
				Conjugate = true;
			else if (conjugate_choose_function) {//øÔfunction
				function_number = Convert::ToInt32(command[0]);    //®˙±o®œ•Œ≠˛§@≠”®Á¶°,•—0∂}©l
				Output->Text += command[0] + Environment::NewLine;
				Output->Text += "Enter the interval:" + Environment::NewLine;
				conjugate_choose_function = false;
				conjugate_enter_interval = true;

			else if (Quasi_choose_function) {  //øÔfunction
				function_number = Convert::ToInt32(command[0]);    //®˙±o®œ•Œ≠˛§@≠”®Á¶°,•—0∂}©l
				Output->Text += command[0] + Environment::NewLine;
				Output->Text += "Enter the interval:" + Environment::NewLine;
				Quasi_choose_function = false;
				Quasi_enter_interval = true;
			else if (Quasi_enter_interval) {
				Output->Text += "[" + command[0] + "," + command[1] + "]" + Environment::NewLine;
				Output->Text += "Enter the initial : ";
				Quasi_enter_interval = false;
				Quasi = true;
			else if (Quasi) {
				//conjugate_initial = command; //conjugate_initial[0]¨∞X, conjugate_initial[1]¨∞Y
				std::queue<char> operates;
				std::string temp = equations[function_number];

				for (int i = 0; i < temp.length(); i++) {
					if (i == 0 && (temp[i] != '-')) {
					else if (temp[i] == '+' || temp[i] == '-') {
						temp[i] = ' ';

				String^ temp_String;
				temp_String = gcnew String(temp.c_str());
				//MarshalString(temp_String, temp);
				array<String^> ^data = temp_String->Split(' ');

				distinguish_data(data, operates);

				quasi_newton(newton_function_number, Convert::ToDouble(command[0]), Convert::ToDouble(command[1]));

				Quasi = false;
			else if (command[0] == "1") {
				choose_function = true;
				Output->Text += "Enter the function number: " + Environment::NewLine;
			else if (command[0] == "2") {
				Quasi_choose_function = true;
				Output->Text += "Enter the function number: " + Environment::NewLine;
			else if (command[0] == "3") {
				conjugate_choose_function = true;
				Output->Text += "Enter the function : " + Environment::NewLine;
			else if (command[0] == "clear") {
				Input->Text = "";
				Output->Text = "";


			array<String^> ^userCommand = Input->Text->Split('\n');
			userInput = userCommand[userCommand->Length - 1];
			 Matrix TRANS(Matrix temp) {
				 Matrix ans;
				 std::vector<double> x;
				 ans.row_dim = temp.column_dim;
				 ans.column_dim = temp.row_dim;
				 for (int i = 0; i < temp.column_dim; i++)
					 for (int j = 0; j < temp.row_dim; j++)
				 return ans;
			 Matrix inverse(Matrix temp1, bool* ok)
				 double temp;
				 Matrix temp2 = temp1;
				 if (temp1.row_dim != temp1.column_dim) {
					 *ok = false;
					 goto end;
				 for (int i = 0; i < temp2.row_dim; i++) {
					 for (int j = 0; j < temp2.column_dim; j++) {
						 temp2.data[i][j] = 0;

				 for (int i = 0; i < temp2.row_dim; i++) {
					 temp2.data[i][i] = 1;

				 for (int i = 0; i < temp1.row_dim; i++) {
					 if (temp1.data[i][i] == 0) {
						 for (int j = i + 1; j < temp1.row_dim; j++) {
							 if (temp1.data[j][i] != 0) {
								 for (int k = 0; k < temp1.column_dim; k++) {
									 temp = temp1.data[j][k];
									 temp1.data[j][k] = temp1.data[i][k];
									 temp1.data[i][k] = temp;
									 temp = temp2.data[j][k];
									 temp2.data[j][k] = temp2.data[i][k];
									 temp2.data[i][k] = temp;
					 /*if (temp1.Data[i][i] == 0) {
					 *ok = false;
					 double t = temp1.data[i][i];
					 for (int k = 0; k < temp1.column_dim; k++) {
						 temp1.data[i][k] = temp1.data[i][k] / t;
						 temp2.data[i][k] = temp2.data[i][k] / t;

					 for (int j = 0; j < temp1.row_dim; j++) {
						 if ((i != j) && temp1.data[j][i] != 0) {
							 double z = temp1.data[j][i];
							 for (int k = 0; k < temp1.column_dim; k++) {
								 temp1.data[j][k] -= temp1.data[i][k] * z;
								 temp2.data[j][k] -= temp2.data[i][k] * z;
				 return temp2;
			 Matrix Mul(Matrix data1, Matrix data2)

				 Matrix temp_data = TRANS(data2);
				 temp_data.row_dim = data2.column_dim;
				 temp_data.column_dim = data2.row_dim;
				 Matrix ANS;
				 std::vector<double> temp;
				 double tempdata = 0;
				 if (data1.column_dim == data2.row_dim)
					 ANS.row_dim = data1.row_dim;
					 ANS.column_dim = data2.column_dim;
					 for (int i = 0; i < data1.row_dim; i++)
						 for (int j = 0; j < temp_data.row_dim; j++)
							 for (int k = 0; k < data1.column_dim; k++)
								 tempdata += data1.data[i][k] * temp_data.data[j][k];
							 tempdata = 0;
				 return ANS;

			private: Matrix hessian(function_numbers data, double x, double y)
				 std::vector<double> qq;
				 function_numbers temp;
				 function_numbers temp1;
				 function_numbers temp2;
				 Matrix h;

				 h.row_dim = 2;
				 h.column_dim = 2;

				 temp = differential(data, 1);
				 h.data[0][0] = (temp.y2 * y * y) + (temp.y * y) + temp.normal;
				 temp1 = differential(data, 3);
				 h.data[0][1] = (temp1.x * x) + (temp1.xy * x * y) + (temp1.y * y) + temp1.normal;
				 h.data[1][0] = h.data[0][1];
				 temp2 = differential(data, 2);
				 h.data[1][1] = (temp2.x2 * x * x) + (temp2.x * x) + temp2.normal;

				 return h;
			private: Matrix gradient(function_numbers data, double x, double y)
				 std::vector<double> temp;
				 Matrix g;
				 function_numbers temp1;
				 function_numbers temp2;
				 g.column_dim = 1;
				 g.row_dim = 2;

				 temp1 = differential(data, 4);
				 g.data[0][0] = (temp1.y2 * y*y) + (temp1.y * y) + (temp1.xy * x * y) + (temp1.x * x) + (temp1.xy2 * x * y*y) + temp1.normal;
				 //Output->Text += "!!!" + g.data[0][0] + "!" + temp1.y2 + "!" + temp1.y + "!" + temp1.xy + "!" + temp1.x + "!" + temp1.xy2 + "!" + temp1.normal + "!!!";
				 temp2 = differential(data, 5);
				 g.data[1][0] = (temp2.x2 * x * x) + (temp2.y * y) + (temp2.x2y * x *x * y) + (temp2.x * x) + (temp2.xy * x * y) + temp2.normal;
				 //Output->Text += "!!!" + g.data[1][0] + "!" + temp2.x2 + "!" + temp2.y + "!" + temp2.x2y + "!" + temp2.x + "!" + temp2.xy + "!" + temp2.normal + "!!!";
				 return g;
			private: double hessian_1(function_numbers data, double x)
				function_numbers temp;
				double ans;
				temp = differential(data, 6);
				ans = (temp.x151 * pow(x,(-1.5))) + temp.normal;
				return ans;
			private: double gradient_1(function_numbers data, double x)
				function_numbers temp;
				double ans;
				temp = differential(data, 7);
				ans = (temp.x * x) + (temp.x051 * pow(x,-0.5)) + temp.normal;
				return ans;
			private: function_numbers differential(function_numbers data, int k)		//(x^2)^2 = 1 (y^2)^2=2  xy=3  x=4  y=5 
				 if (k == 1)
					 data.y2 = data.x2y2 * 2;
					 data.y = data.x2y * 2;
					 data.normal = data.x2 * 2;
				 else if (k == 2)
					 data.x2 = data.x2y2 * 2;
					 data.x = data.xy2 * 2;
					 data.normal = data.y2 * 2;
				 else if (k == 3)
					 data.y2 = data.xy2;
					 data.y = data.xy;
					 data.xy2 = data.x2y2 * 2;
					 data.xy = data.x2y * 2;
					 data.normal = data.x;
					 data.x = data.x2 * 2;

					 data.x = data.xy * 2;
					 data.xy = data.xy2 * 2;
					 data.normal = data.y;
					 data.y = data.y2 * 2;
				 else if (k == 4)  // πÔx∑L§¿
					 data.y2 = data.xy2;
					 data.y = data.xy;
					 data.xy2 = data.x2y2 * 2;
					 data.xy = data.x2y * 2;
					 data.normal = data.x;
					 data.x = data.x2 * 2;
				 else if (k == 5) 	//πÔy∑L§¿
					 data.normal = data.y;
					 data.x2 = data.x2y;
					 data.y = data.y2 * 2;
					 data.x2y = data.x2y2 * 2;
					 data.x = data.xy;
					 data.xy = data.xy2 * 2;
				 else if (k == 6) // πÔx§G¶∏∑L§¿
					 data.normal = data.x2 * 2;
					 data.x151 = data.x05 / -4;
				 else if (k == 7) // πÔx∑L§¿
					 data.normal = data.x;
					 data.x = data.x2 * 2;
					 data.x051 = data.x05 / 2;
				 return data;
			private: void newton(function_numbers data)
				 function_numbers initial = data;
				 Matrix h, g, h_I, x_m;
				 std::vector<double> temp;
				 bool *ok = false;
				 double initial_x = 20, initial_y = 8;
				 double x = initial_x, y = initial_y;
				 double ans;

				 x_m.column_dim = 1;
				 x_m.row_dim = 2;
				 x_m.data[0][0] = initial_x;
				 x_m.data[1][0] = initial_y;

				 for (unsigned i = 0; i < 3; i++)
					 //Output->Text += "!!!" + x + "!!" + y + "!!!";
					 h = hessian(data, x, y);
					 Output->Text += "Hessian:" + Environment::NewLine + "[" + Environment::NewLine;
					 for (unsigned j = 0; j < 2; j++)
						 for (unsigned z = 0; z < 2; z++)
							 Output->Text += h.data[j][z] + " ";
						 Output->Text += Environment::NewLine;
					 Output->Text += "]" + Environment::NewLine;

					 h_I = inverse(h, ok);
					 Output->Text += "Hessian Inverse:" + Environment::NewLine + "[" + Environment::NewLine;
					 for (unsigned j = 0; j < 2; j++)
						 for (unsigned z = 0; z < 2; z++)
							 Output->Text += h_I.data[j][z]+ " ";
						 Output->Text += Environment::NewLine;
					 Output->Text += "]" + Environment::NewLine;

					 g = gradient(data, x, y);
					 //Output->Text += "!!!" + g.data[0][0] + "!!" + g.data[1][0] + "!!!";
					 g = Mul(h_I, g);
					 //Output->Text += "!!!" + g.data[0][0] + "!!" + g.data[1][0] + "!!!";
					 for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
						 for (int j = 0; j < 1; j++)
							 x_m.data[i][j] -=  g.data[i][j];

					 Output->Text += "x:" + Environment::NewLine + "[" + Environment::NewLine;
					 for (unsigned j = 0; j < 2; j++)
						 for (unsigned z = 0; z < 1; z++)
							 Output->Text += x_m.data[j][z] + " ";
						 Output->Text += Environment::NewLine;
					 Output->Text += "]" + Environment::NewLine;
					 x = x_m.data[0][0];
					 y = x_m.data[1][0];
				//	 Output->Text += "!!!" + x + "!!" + y + "!!!";
				 ans = (newton_function_number.x2 * x*x) + (newton_function_number.x * x) + (newton_function_number.x2y2 * x*x*y * y) + (newton_function_number.xy2 * x * y*y) + (newton_function_number.x2y * x *x* y) + (newton_function_number.xy * x * y) + (newton_function_number.y * y) + (newton_function_number.y2 *y* y) + newton_function_number.normal;
				 Output->Text += "[x,y] = " + x + "  " + y +Environment::NewLine;
				 Output->Text += "min: " + ans + Environment::NewLine;
			private: void newton_1(function_numbers data, double initial_x)
				function_numbers temp;
				double x = initial_x;
				double k=0,h=0,x_n=0,g=0,h_I=0;
				double ans = 0;
				temp = differential(data, 7);
				k = (temp.x * x) + (temp.x051 * pow(x, -0.5)) + temp.normal;
				for (int i = 0; i < 3;i++)
					h = hessian_1(data, x);
					Output -> Text += "Hessian: " + h + Environment::NewLine;
					h_I = 1 / h;
					Output->Text += "Hessian Inverse: " + h_I + Environment::NewLine;
					g = gradient_1(data, x);
					g = g * h_I;
					x_n = x - g;
					Output->Text += "x: " + x + Environment::NewLine;
					x = x_n;
					k = (temp.x * x) + (temp.x051 * pow(x, -0.5)) + temp.normal;
				ans = (newton_function_number.x2 *x *x) + (newton_function_number.x *x) + (newton_function_number.x05 * pow(x, 0.5)) + newton_function_number.normal;
				Output->Text += "min: " + ans + Environment::NewLine;

			private: function z(function_numbers data, double initial_x)
				function a;
				function_numbers temp;
				double x = initial_x;
				double k = 0, h = 0, x_n = 0, g = 0, h_I = 0;
				double ans = 0;
				temp = differential(data, 7);
				for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
					h = hessian_1(data, x);
					h_I = 1 / h;
					g = gradient_1(data, x);
					g = g * h_I;
					x_n = x - g;
					x = x_n;
				ans = (newton_function_number.x2 *x *x) + (newton_function_number.x *x) + (newton_function_number.x05 * pow(x, 0.5)) + newton_function_number.normal;
				a.ans = ans;
				a.x = x_n;
				return a;
			private: void conjugate_1(function_numbers data, double initial_x)
				function_numbers temp;
				function a;
				double Si = 0;
				double ans = 0, x_ans = 0;
				double x = initial_x;
				double alpha = 0;
				int i = 0;

				temp = differential(data, 7);
				Si = (temp.x * x) + (temp.x051 * pow(x, -0.5)) + temp.normal;

				Output->Text += i + Environment::NewLine;
				Output->Text += "Si= " + Environment::NewLine + "[" + Environment::NewLine + Si + Environment::NewLine + "]" + Environment::NewLine;
				a = z(data, x);
				ans = a.ans;
				x_ans = a.x;
				alpha = (x_ans - initial_x) / Si;
				Output->Text += "alpha = " + alpha + Environment::NewLine;
				Output->Text += "Xi = " + Environment::NewLine + "[" + Environment::NewLine + x_ans + Environment::NewLine + "]";
				Output->Text += "[x] = [" + x_ans + ", ]";
				Output->Text += "min = " + ans;

			private: void conjugate_2(function_numbers data, double x, double y)  //º»Æ…,¡Ÿ•º±“•Œ
				Matrix Q, b, u, ut;
				Matrix temp_Ju;
				std::vector<double> temp;
				u.column_dim = 1;
				u.row_dim = 2;
				ut = TRANS(u);
				Q.column_dim = 2;
				Q.row_dim = 2;
				temp.push_back(2 * (data.x2));
				temp.push_back(2 * (data.y2));
				b.column_dim = 1;
				b.row_dim = 2;

				Matrix Ju = Mul(Q, u);
				Matrix d = Ju;
				Ju.data[0][0] -= b.data[0][0]; 
				Ju.data[1][0] -= b.data[1][0];
				temp_Ju = Ju;
				d.data[0][0] = -Ju.data[0][0];
				d.data[1][0] = -Ju.data[1][0];

				for (int i = 0; i <2; i++) {

					/*Output->Text +=Environment::NewLine+ "u  " + u.data[0][0] + " , " + u.data[1][0] + Environment::NewLine;
					Output->Text += "Q  " + Q.data[0][0] + " , " + Q.data[0][1] + Environment::NewLine;
					Output->Text += "   " + Q.data[1][0] + " , " + Q.data[1][1] + Environment::NewLine;
					Output->Text += "b  " + b.data[0][0] + " , " + b.data[1][0] + Environment::NewLine;
					Output->Text += "Ju " + Ju.data[0][0] + " , " + Ju.data[1][0] + Environment::NewLine;
					Output->Text += "d  " + d.data[0][0] + " , " + d.data[1][0] + Environment::NewLine+Environment::NewLine;
					Output->Text +=Environment::NewLine + "i="+ (i) + Environment::NewLine + "Si={ " + d.data[0][0] + "," + d.data[1][0] + " }" + Environment::NewLine;
					double alpha = (-1) * ((Mul(TRANS(Ju), d).data[0][0] / Mul(Mul(TRANS(d), Q), d).data[0][0]));
					Output->Text += "alpha = " + alpha + Environment::NewLine;

					u.data[0][0] = u.data[0][0] + alpha*d.data[0][0];
					u.data[1][0] = u.data[1][0] + alpha*d.data[1][0];
					ut = TRANS(u);
					Output->Text += "Xi={ " + u.data[0][0] + "," + u.data[1][0] + " }" + Environment::NewLine;
					Ju = Mul(Q, u);
					Ju.data[0][0] -= b.data[0][0];
					Ju.data[1][0] -= b.data[1][0];
					double beta =Mul(TRANS(Ju), Ju).data[0][0]/ Mul(TRANS(temp_Ju), temp_Ju).data[0][0];
						//-1 *( (Mul(TRANS(Ju), d).data[0][0] / Mul(Mul(TRANS(d), Q), d).data[0][0]));
					temp_Ju = Ju;
					d.data[0][0] = -Ju.data[0][0] + beta*d.data[0][0];
					d.data[1][0] = -Ju.data[1][0] + beta*d.data[1][0];

				Output->Text += Environment::NewLine + "[x,y]= [ " + u.data[0][0] + " , " + u.data[1][0] + " ]" + Environment::NewLine;
				Output->Text += "min= " + (data.x2*u.data[0][0] * u.data[0][0] + data.y2*u.data[1][0] * u.data[1][0] + data.xy*u.data[0][0] * u.data[1][0] + data.x*u.data[0][0] + data.y*u.data[1][0]+data.normal) + Environment::NewLine;


			private: void quasi_newton(function_numbers data, double initial_x, double initial_y)
				Matrix Q, H, d, g, x_m, a,delta_x,delta_g,temp_x,temp_g,mul_delta_x,delta_hg,new_h;
				std::vector<double> p;
				double alpha;
				bool *ok = false;
				p.push_back(initial_x); p.push_back(initial_x);	H.data.push_back(p); p.clear(); p.push_back(initial_y); p.push_back(initial_y); H.data.push_back(p); p.clear();
				H.column_dim = 2;
				H.row_dim = 2;
				H.data[0][0] = 1;	H.data[0][1] = 0;	H.data[1][0] = 0;	H.data[1][1] = 1; // µπ™Ï≠»,≥ʶÏØx∞}

				p.push_back(initial_x); x_m.data.push_back(p); p.clear(); p.push_back(initial_y); x_m.data.push_back(p); p.clear();
				x_m.column_dim = 1;
				x_m.row_dim = 2;
				x_m.data[0][0] = initial_x; x_m.data[1][0] = initial_y;

				p.push_back(initial_x);	Q.data.push_back(p); p.clear(); p.push_back(initial_y); Q.data.push_back(p); p.clear();
				Q = hessian(data, initial_x, initial_y);
				Output->Text += Environment::NewLine + "Q= [" + Q.data[0][0] + " , " + Q.data[0][1] + "]" + Environment::NewLine + "   [" + Q.data[1][0] + " , " + Q.data[1][1] + "]" + Environment::NewLine;
				Output->Text += "[x,y]= [" + x_m.data[0][0] + " , " + x_m.data[1][0] + "]" + Environment::NewLine;

				//p.push_back(initial_x);	a.data.push_back(p); p.clear(); p.push_back(initial_y); a.data.push_back(p); p.clear();
				a = gradient(data, initial_x, initial_y);
				a.data[0][0] = -newton_function_number.x;
				a.data[1][0] = -newton_function_number.y;

				g = Mul(Q, x_m);
				Output->Text += "a = [" + a.data[0][0] + " , " + a.data[1][0] + "]" + Environment::NewLine;
				for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
					for (int j = 0; j < 1; j++)
						g.data[i][j] -= a.data[i][j];				//g0

				//Output->Text += "g = [" + g.data[0][0] + " , " + g.data[1][0] + "]" + Environment::NewLine;

				d = Mul(H, g);
				d.data[0][0] = -d.data[0][0];
				d.data[1][0] = -d.data[1][0];						//d0
				alpha = -1 * (Mul(TRANS(g), d).data[0][0] / Mul(Mul(TRANS(d), Q), d).data[0][0]);			//alpha0
				Output->Text += "alpha = "+alpha + Environment::NewLine;
				Output->Text += "d = [" + d.data[0][0] + " , " + d.data[1][0] + "]" + Environment::NewLine;
				Output->Text += "H = [" + H.data[0][0] + " , " + H.data[0][1] + "]" + Environment::NewLine+"    ["+H.data[1][0]+" , "+H.data[1][1]+"]"+Environment::NewLine;

				while(!(abs(d.data[0][0])<=0.0001&&abs(d.data[1][0])<=0.0001)) {
					temp_x = x_m;  //temp_x¨∞§@∂}©l™∫x

					x_m.data[0][0] = x_m.data[0][0] + alpha* d.data[0][0];
					x_m.data[1][0] = x_m.data[1][0] + alpha* d.data[1][0];
					Output->Text += Environment::NewLine +"[x,y]= [" + x_m.data[0][0] + " , " + x_m.data[1][0] + "]" + Environment::NewLine;

					delta_x = x_m;
					delta_x.data[0][0] -= temp_x.data[0][0];
					delta_x.data[1][0] -= temp_x.data[1][0];

					temp_g = g;    //temp_g¨∞§@∂}©l™∫g
					g = Mul(Q, x_m);
					for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
						for (int j = 0; j < 1; j++)
							g.data[i][j] -= a.data[i][j];

					delta_g = g;
					delta_g.data[0][0] = g.data[0][0] - temp_g.data[0][0];
					delta_g.data[1][0] = g.data[1][0] - temp_g.data[1][0];

					mul_delta_x = Mul(delta_x, TRANS(delta_x));
					delta_hg = Mul(Mul(H, delta_g), TRANS(Mul(H, delta_g)));

					new_h = H;

					for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
						for (int j = 0; j < 2; j++) {
							new_h.data[i][j] = H.data[i][j] + (mul_delta_x.data[i][j] / Mul(TRANS(delta_x), delta_g).data[0][0]) - (delta_hg.data[i][j] / Mul(Mul(TRANS(delta_g), H), delta_g).data[0][0]);


					H = new_h;

					d = Mul(new_h, g);
					d.data[0][0] = -d.data[0][0];
					d.data[1][0] = -d.data[1][0];

					alpha = -1 * ((Mul(TRANS(g), d).data[0][0] / Mul(Mul(TRANS(d), Q), d).data[0][0]));

					Output->Text += "alpha = " + alpha + Environment::NewLine;
					Output->Text += "d = [" + d.data[0][0] + " , " + d.data[1][0] + "]" + Environment::NewLine;
					Output->Text += "H = [" + H.data[0][0] + " , " + H.data[0][1] + "]" + Environment::NewLine + "    [" + H.data[1][0] + " , " + H.data[1][1] + "]" + Environment::NewLine;

					//x_m.data[0][0] = x_m.data[0][0] + alpha* d.data[0][0];
					//x_m.data[1][0] = x_m.data[1][0] + alpha* d.data[1][0];

				Output->Text += "[x,y]= [" + x_m.data[0][0] + " , " + x_m.data[1][0] + "]" + Environment::NewLine;
				double x = x_m.data[0][0], y = x_m.data[1][0];
				Output->Text += "min = "+((newton_function_number.x2 * x * x) + (newton_function_number.x * x) + (newton_function_number.xy * x * y) + (newton_function_number.y * y) + (newton_function_number.y2 * y * y) + newton_function_number.normal)+Environment::NewLine;


