Potential callback method for OmniPay Sage P
public function callback()
if ($this->form_validation->run('callback') === true) {
$post_array = $this->form_validation->import_post($this->input->post(), 'callback');
// Load order record
$order = new Order_m($post_array['VendorTxCode']);
//Validate the post array and transaction details
$response = $this->gateway->completePurchase([
'amount' => $order->total,
'transactionId' => $order->id,
'transactionReference' => $order->sagepay_transaction_reference
if (! $response->isValid()) {
log_message('info', 'Transaction ID: ' . $order->id . ' - Security token invalid');
$response->invalid($this->config->item('failure_url'), 'Security token invalid');
if ($response->isSuccessful()) {
//Process the successful transaction information
log_message('info', 'Transaction ID: ' . $order->id . ' - Successfully processed');
//Send the confirm response back to Sage Pay
$this->config->item('success_url') . '?tx=' . $response->getData()['VendorTxCode'] . '&type=CC',
'Transaction processed sucessfully'
} else {
log_message('info', 'Transaction ID: ' . $order->id . ' - Rejected - ' . $response->getData()['Status']);
//Sage Pay response for failed transactions
$this->config->item('failure_url') . '?tx=' . $response->getData()['VendorTxCode'] . '&type=CC',
'Transaction not accepted - Reason: ' . $response->getData()['Status']
} else {
//Send back an error as we've failed the form validation.
log_message('info', 'Transaction form validation failed: ' . json_encode($_POST));
$request = $this->gateway->completePurchase([]);
$response = new \Omnipay\SagePay\Message\ServerCompleteAuthorizeResponse($request, []);
$response->error($this->config->item('failure_url'), 'No pending transaction'); // exits here