11/4/2019 - 5:01 PM

Compare The Marketing (CTM) : iOS/Android Pixel Syntax

<!-- Syntax -->
"{enteridfa}&phint=e_id_m={MD5HASHEDEMAIL}&phint=e_id_s={sha-256 hashed email}"

<!-- Example* -->

<!-- Syntax -->
"{enteradid}&phint=e_id_m={MD5HASHEDEMAIL}&phint=e_id_s={sha-256 hashed email}"

<!-- Example* -->

<!-- Notes

*for dummy calls, just replace "38297" with XXXXX and the request will fail an data won't make it to Oracle
- NEVER send a undefined/null/empty string value for e_id_s or e_id_m - the DMP will store that value as an ID and reduce match rates