12/16/2015 - 5:10 PM

Awesome gulpfile. About as short as you can get. Works with gulp-load-tasks, gulp-load-plugins, and a configuration file to define paths.

Awesome gulpfile. About as short as you can get. Works with gulp-load-tasks, gulp-load-plugins, and a configuration file to define paths.

 * gulpfile.js
 * Template for handling multiple build configurations with the
 * same gulpfile and structure

var gulp = require('gulp');
var config = require('./.config/config.js');
var production = config.env === 'production';
config.onError = function(e) {
var LessPluginPrefix = require('less-plugin-autoprefix');

config.prefix = new LessPluginPrefix({

	browsers: config.gulp.autoprefix_arguments


var $ = require('gulp-load-plugins')({

	rename: config.gulp.plugin_renames,


/*** Taks Go in here ***/

require('gulp-autoload-tasks')(gulp, $, config, config.gulp.tasks_path);
gulp.task('default', ['watch']);

/*** End Of Tasks ***/

module.exports = gulp;