12/20/2018 - 6:46 AM

PostgreSQL Snippet -1

PostgreSQL Snippet -1

PostgreSQL Field Type Change:
Change type of member table field "id_type" from Character Varing to Integer
ALTER TABLE member ALTER COLUMN id_type type integer using id_type::integer; (Working OK)

ALTER TABLE ONLY public.cc_remitted_bank_branch
    ADD CONSTRAINT cc_remitted_bank_branch_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);

INSERT INTO public.cizacl_roles VALUES (2, 'Guest', NULL, 'login', NULL, 1, 2);
INSERT INTO public.cizacl_roles VALUES (3, 'adddd', '["1"]', 'cizacl', 'dfsffsdfsdfs', 0, 998);
INSERT INTO public.cizacl_roles VALUES (1, 'Administrator', NULL, 'dashboard', '', 0, 1);