Strongly Type Identifiers For Class Or Struct By Using Protocol and associated types
In response of Tom Lokhort's article.
A third alternative: alternative 2 under steroïds
struct GenericIdentifier<T>: RawRepresentable, Hashable, Equatable {
let rawValue: String
init(rawValue: String) { self.rawValue = rawValue }
Usage for both struct and class types, a bit lighter than "alternative 2"
protocol Identifiable {
associatedtype IdentifiableType
typealias Identifier = GenericIdentifier<IdentifiableType>
struct Person: Identifiable {
typealias IdentifiableType = Person
let id: Identifier
var name: String
var age: Int?
Usage for class type only, lighter than "alternative 2"
protocol Identifiable: class {
typealias Identifier = GenericIdentifier<Self>
class Person: Identifiable {
let id: Identifier
var name: String
var age: Int?
init() { = Identifier(rawValue: "") = "toto"
// The same on calls
func scrollToPerson(withId id: Person.Identifier) {