#Delete/Replace a Carriage Return (CR) with sed
#There are a few ways to remove or replace a carriage return with sed.
sed 's/.$/<replace with text>/'
sed 's/\x0D$/<replace with text>/'
sed 's/\r/<replace with text>/'
#The first method assumes all lines end with CRLF, while the
#second and third method depend on the version of sed.
#Delete/Replace a Linefeed (LF) with sed
#By default, sed strips the newline as the line is placed into the pattern space.
#However, the workaround is to read the whole file into a loop first.
sed ':a;N;$!ba;s/\n/<text>/g'
:a - create a label 'a'
N - append the next line to the pattern space
$! - if not the last line
ba - branch (go to) label 'a'
s - substitute
/\n/ - regex for new line
/<text>/ - with text "<text>"
g - global match (as many times as it can)
#Example: Delete Newlines (CRLF) with sed
Delete the carriage return first, and then delete the linefeed.
# Delete carriage return
sed -i 's/\r//g' example.txt
# Delete all LF but last (it will turn separate lines into one)
sed -i ':a;N;$!ba;s/\n/<text>/g' example.txt
#tr: A Simpler Way to Replace or Delete a Newline (CRLF)
#The tr utility is a preferred and simpler method for
#replacing end of line characters as the pattern buffer
#is not limited like in sed.
tr '\r\n' '<replace with text>' < input_file > output_file
#or to delete the newline (CRLF),
tr -d '\r\n' < input_file > output_file
#\r - carriage return
#\n - linefeed
#Delete All Lines Before a Keyword with sed
#A range from the “KEYWORD” to the last line in the input stream can be located and not deleted it with following command,
sed '/KEYWORD/,$!d'
#, - defines a range
#$ - special character representing the last line in the input stream
#! - NOT
#d - delete command
#Delete All Lines After a Keyword with sed
#After finding a line containing the “KEYWORD” the stream can be quit, with the following command,
sed '/KEYWORD/q'
#q - quit
#Delete All Lines Including the Keyword and After the Keyword with sed
#A range from the “KEYWORD” to the last line in the input stream can be located and deleted by,
sed '/KEYWORD/,$d'
#, - defines a range
#$ - special character representing the last line in the input stream
#d - delete command
1. CRLF.bash Delete / Replace CRLF or LF with sed / tr
2. KeywordDel.bash Delete all lines before or after a keyword