6/29/2016 - 12:57 AM

tsconfig.json with full configuration

tsconfig.json with full configuration

  //Allow JavaScript files to be compiled.
  "allowJs":	true,
  //Allow default imports from modules with no default export. This does not affect code emit, just typechecking.
  "allowSyntheticDefaultImports": false,
  //Do not report errors on unreachable code.
  "allowUnreachableCode":	false,
  // Do not report errors on unused labels.
  "allowUnusedLabels": false,
  //The character set of the input files.
  "charset": "utf8",
  //Generates corresponding ‘.d.ts’ file.
  "declaration": false,
  //Show diagnostic information.
  "diagnostics": false,
  //Emit a UTF-8 Byte Order Mark (BOM) in the beginning of output files.
  "emitBOM": false,
  //Emit design-type metadata for decorated declarations in source. See issue #2577 for details.
  "emitDecoratorMetadata": false,
  //Enables experimental support for ES7 decorators.
  "experimentalDecorators":	false,
  //Disallow inconsistently-cased references to the same file.
  "forceConsistentCasingInFileNames": false,
  //Emit a single file with source maps instead of having a separate file.
  "inlineSourceMap": false,
  //Emit the source alongside the sourcemaps within a single file; requires --inlineSourceMap or --sourceMap to be set.
  "inlineSources": false,
  //Unconditionally emit imports for unresolved files.
  "isolatedModules":	false,
  //Support JSX in ‘.tsx’ files: 'React' or 'Preserve'. See JSX.
  "jsx":	"Preserve",
  //Print names of files part of the compilation.
  "listFiles": false,
  //Specifies the location where debugger should locate map files instead of generated locations.
  //Use this flag if the .map files will be located at run-time in a different location than
  //than the .js files. The location specified will be embedded in the sourceMap to direct
  //the debugger where the map files where be located.
  "mapRoot":	null,
  //Specify module code generation: 'none', 'commonjs', 'amd', 'system', 'umd', 'es6', or 'es2015'.
  //Only 'amd' and 'system' can be used in conjunction with --outFile.
  //'es6' and 'es2015' values may not be used when targeting ES5 or lower.
  "module":	"CommonJS",
  //Determine how modules get resolved. Either 'node' for Node.js/io.js style resolution,
  //or 'classic' (default). See Module Resolution documentation for more details.
  "moduleResolution":	"Classic",	
  //Do not emit outputs.
  "noEmit":	false,
  //Do not generate custom helper functions like __extends in compiled output.
  "noEmitHelpers":	false,
  //Do not emit outputs if any errors were reported.
  "noEmitOnError":	false,
  //Report errors for fallthrough cases in switch statement.
  "noFallthroughCasesInSwitch": false,	
  //Raise error on expressions and declarations with an implied ‘any’ type.
  "noImplicitAny":	false,
  //Report error when not all code paths in function return a value.
  "noImplicitReturns":	false,
  //Do not emit "use strict" directives in module output.
  "noImplicitUseStrict": false,
  //Do not include the default library file (lib.d.ts).
  "noLib":	false,
  //Do not add triple-slash references or module import targets to the list of compiled files.
  "noResolve":	false,
  //Redirect output structure to the directory.
  "outDir":	null,
  //Concatenate and emit output to single file. The order of concatenation is determined
  //by the list of files passed to the compiler on the command line along with triple-slash
  //references and imports. See output file order documentation for more details.
  "outFile": null,
  //Do not erase const enum declarations in generated code. See const enums documentation for more details.
  "preserveConstEnums":	false,
  //Stylize errors and messages using color and context.
  "pretty":	false,
  //Compile a project given a valid configuration file.
  //The argument can be an file path to a valid JSON configuration file,
  //or a directory path to a directory containing a tsconfig.json file.
  //See tsconfig.json documentation for more details.
  "project": null,	
  //Specifies the object invoked for createElement and __spread when targeting ‘react’ JSX emit.
  "reactNamespace":	"React",	
  //Remove all comments except copy-right header comments beginning with /*!
  "removeComments":	false,
  //string	(common root directory is computed from the list of input files)
  //Specifies the root directory of input files. Only use to control the output
  //directory structure with --outDir.
  "rootDir":	null, 
  //Don’t check a user-defined default lib file’s valitidy.
  "skipDefaultLibCheck":	false,
  //Generates corresponding ‘.map’ file.
  "sourceMap": false,
  //Specifies the location where debugger should locate TypeScript files instead of source locations.
  //Use this flag if the sources will be located at run-time in a different location than that
  //at design-time. The location specified will be embedded in the sourceMap to direct the debugger
  //where the source files where be located.
  "sourceRoot":	null,
  //In strict null checking mode, the null and undefined values are not in the domain of every type and
  //are only assignable to themselves and any (the one exception being that undefined is also assignable to void).
  "strictNullChecks":	false,
  //Do not emit declarations for code that has an /** @internal */ JSDoc annotation.
  "stripInternal":	false,
  //Suppress excess property checks for object literals.
  "suppressExcessPropertyErrors":	false,
  //Suppress --noImplicitAny errors for indexing objects lacking index signatures.
  //See issue #1232 for more details.
  "suppressImplicitAnyIndexErrors":	false,

  //Specify ECMAScript target version: 'es3' (default), 'es5', or 'es6'.
  "target": "ES5",
  //Report module resolution log messages.
  "traceResolution":	false