A while ago I was looking for a good backup script, and there were none. It had to be fast, to cope with big data sizes, and configurable so I could set how many days to keep backups.
This folder structure has to be created manually. Rotation script will take anything in incomming folder and move it to appropriate destination backup archive.
drwxr-xr-x 15 root root 4096 Apr 23 06:44 backup.daily
drwxr-xr-x 4 root root 4096 Apr 1 06:29 backup.monthly
-rwxr-x--- 1 root root 1386 Feb 21 11:53 backup.sh
drwxr-xr-x 10 root root 4096 Apr 20 06:38 backup.weekly
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 Apr 23 06:44 incoming
Here is the my original script translated to English:
# Julius Zaromskis
# Backup rotation
# Storage folder where to move backup files
# Must contain backup.monthly backup.weekly backup.daily folders
# Source folder where files are backed
# Destination file names
date_daily=`date +"%d-%m-%Y"`
#date_weekly=`date +"%V sav. %m-%Y"`
#date_monthly=`date +"%m-%Y"`
# Get current month and week day number
month_day=`date +"%d"`
week_day=`date +"%u"`
# Optional check if source files exist. Email if failed.
if [ ! -f $source/archive.tgz ]; then
ls -l $source/ | mail your@email.com -s "[backup script] Daily backup failed! Please check for missing files."
# It is logical to run this script daily. We take files from source folder and move them to
# appropriate destination folder
# On first month day do
if [ "$month_day" -eq 1 ] ; then
# On saturdays do
if [ "$week_day" -eq 6 ] ; then
# On any regular day do
# Move the files
mkdir $source/$destination
mv -v $source/* $source/$destination
# daily - keep for 14 days
find $storage/backup.daily/ -maxdepth 1 -mtime +14 -type d -exec rm -rv {} \;
# weekly - keep for 60 days
find $storage/backup.weekly/ -maxdepth 1 -mtime +60 -type d -exec rm -rv {} \;
# monthly - keep for 300 days
find $storage/backup.monthly/ -maxdepth 1 -mtime +300 -type d -exec rm -rv {} \;
Please note – only file rotation is performed, it is up to you to copy your backup to source folder (incoming). For faster operations, files are moved from the source folder! Here is what I use on one of the servers, to backup entire website:
#@author Julius Zaromskis
#@description Backup script for your website
# Dump MySQL tables
mysqldump -h -u admin -pyourpassword database > $BACKUP_DIR/incoming/mysql_dump.sql
# Run backup rotate
bash backup.sh