3/18/2014 - 10:59 PM

Google Analytics Events Example

Google Analytics Events Example

// Upon document ready, have jQuery do the following
$( function(){
	var gaJsHost = ( ( "https:" === document.location.protocol ) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www." );
	// use jQuery to call the Google Analytics JavaScript
	$.getScript( gaJsHost + "", function(){
		// tell Analytics about the current page load using standard _trackPageview method
		try {
			var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker( $ );
			// the standard page tracking code
			// we're also interested in capturing the page load dime

			// Now we add events
			// We're interested in these filetypes so keep this here
			var filetypes = /\.(pdf|flv|mp4|wmv|mov|doc*|ppt* )$/i;

			// loop though each anchor element on the current page
			$( 'a[href]' ).each( function(){
				// cache the href attribute and the class of the anchor element
				var href = this.href,
					cls  = this.getAttribute( "class" );  // optimization

				// Long if() statement below.
				// check for links starting with http or https, making sure that links to our own domain are excluded
				if ( ( href.match( /^https?\:/i ) ) && ( !href.match( document.domain ) ) ){
					$( this ).click( function() {
						var extLink = href.replace( /^https?\:\/\//i, '' );
						// log a click to an external site, and the site's URL
						pageTracker._trackEvent( 'External', 'Click - External Site', extLink );
					} );

				// User clicks a horizontal menu pad
				else if ( cls && cls.match( "hmpad" ) ) {
					$( this ).click( function() {
						var filePath = href.replace( /^https?\:\/\/(www.)*/i, '' );
						pageTracker._trackEvent( 'Horizontal Menu', 'Click - Horiz. Menu Pad', filePath );
					} );

				// User clicks a horizontal menu bar
				else if ( cls && cls.match( "hmbar" ) ) {
					$( this ).click( function() {
						var filePath = href.replace( /^https?\:\/\/(www.)*/i, '' );
						pageTracker._trackEvent( 'Horizontal Menu', 'Click - Horiz. Menu Bar', filePath );
					} );

				// Vertical menu pads
				else if ( cls && cls.match( "vmpad" ) ) {
					$( this ).click( function() {
						var filePath = href.replace( /^https?\:\/\/(www.)*/i, '' );
						pageTracker._trackEvent( 'Vertical Menu', 'Click - Vertical Menu', filePath );
					} );

				//check for links starting with mailto:
				else if ( href.match( /^mailto\:/i ) ){
					$( this ).click( function() {
						var mailLink = href.replace( /^mailto\:/i, '' );
						pageTracker._trackEvent( 'Email', 'Click - Email', mailLink );
					} );
				//check for links with file extension that match the filetypes regular expression:
				else if ( href.match( filetypes ) ){
					$( this ).click( function() {
						var extension = ( /[.]/.exec( href ) ) ? /[^.]+$/.exec( href ) : undefined;
						var filePath = href.replace( /^https?\:\/\/(www.)*/i, '' );
						pageTracker._trackEvent( 'Download', 'Click - ' + extension, filePath );
					} );
			} );
		} catch( err ){}