Python: Python: rename a file
# simply
import os
# or
import shutil
shutil.move('a.txt', 'b.kml')
# or if you want to copy..
import shutil
shutil.copy('a.txt', 'b.kml')
# Another example: I am trying to rename a list of files:
# File1.File1
# File2.File2
# etc
# I need them to be renamed to:
# File1
# File2
# etc
import os,shutil
def renamer(target) :
for filename in os.listdir('.') :
print filename
newfilename = os.path.splitext(filename)[0]
print newfilename
os.rename(filename, newfilename)
print "Renamed " + filename + " to " + new_filename
# test the function/module
if __name__ == __main__:
# or more simply: