3/19/2020 - 9:07 AM

14. Proxy


interface Downloader
    public function download(string $url): string;

class SimpleDownloader implements Downloader
    public function download(string $url): string
        echo "Downloading a file from the Internet.\n";
        $result = file_get_contents($url);
        echo "Downloaded bytes: " . strlen($result) . "\n";
        return $result;

class CachingDownloader implements Downloader
     * @var SimpleDownloader
    private $downloader;

     * @var string[]
    private $cache = [];

    public function __construct(SimpleDownloader $downloader)
        $this->downloader = $downloader;

    public function download(string $url): string
        if (!isset($this->cache[$url])) {
            echo "CacheProxy MISS. ";
            $result = $this->downloader->download($url);
            $this->cache[$url] = $result;
        } else {
            echo "CacheProxy HIT. Retrieving result from cache.\n";
        return $this->cache[$url];

$simpleDownload = new SimpleDownloader;

$proxy = new CachingDownloader($simpleDownload);

interface BankAccount
    public function deposit(int $amount);

    public function getBalance(): int;

class HeavyBankAccount implements BankAccount
     * @var int[]
    private array $transactions = [];

    public function deposit(int $amount)
        $this->transactions[] = $amount;

    public function getBalance(): int
        // this is the heavy part, imagine all the transactions even from
        // years and decades ago must be fetched from a database or web service
        // and the balance must be calculated from it

        return (int) array_sum($this->transactions);

class BankAccountProxy extends HeavyBankAccount implements BankAccount
    private ?int $balance = null;

    public function getBalance(): int
        // because calculating balance is so expensive,
        // the usage of BankAccount::getBalance() is delayed until it really is needed
        // and will not be calculated again for this instance

        if ($this->balance === null) {
            $this->balance = parent::getBalance();

        return $this->balance;
$bankAccount = new BankAccountProxy();
echo $bankAccount->getBalance(); // 30
echo $bankAccount->getBalance(); // still 30, because cached due to proxy

interface File {
    public function add (string $name, string $path): void;

    public function get (string $name): void;

    public function remove (string $name): void;

class FileProvider implements File {

    public function add (string $name, string $path): void {
        echo "File {$name} from {$path} was added to storage" . PHP_EOL;

    public function get (string $name): void {
        echo "File {$name} was downloaded from storage" . PHP_EOL;

    public function remove (string $name): void {
        echo "File {$name} was removed from storage" . PHP_EOL;

class AuthFile implements File {

    const ALLOWED_USERS = [
    private $file;

    public function __construct (File $file) {
        $this->file = $file;

    public function add (string $name, string $path): void {
        if ($this->loggedIn()) {
            $this->file->add($name, $path);

    public function get (string $name): void {
        if ($this->loggedIn()) {

    public function remove (string $name): void {
        if ($this->loggedIn()) {

    private function loggedIn () {
        if (isset($_SESSION["username"]) && in_array($_SESSION["username"], self::ALLOWED_USERS)) {
            echo "User can perform action" . PHP_EOL;

            return true;
        } else {
            echo "User can not perform action" . PHP_EOL;

            return false;

class User {

    public function login ($name) {
        echo "Logging in as {$name}" . PHP_EOL;
        $_SESSION["username"] = $name;

    public function logOut () {
        echo "Logging out" . PHP_EOL;



$provider = new FileProvider();
$fileAuth = new AuthFile($provider);

$fileAuth->add("test-file.png", "/home/ubuntu");

$auth = new User();

$fileAuth->add("test-file.png", "/home/ubuntu");


$fileAuth->add("test-file.png", "/home/ubuntu");


File test-file.png from /home/ubuntu was added to storage
File test-file.png was removed from storage
File test-file.png was downloaded from storage
Logging in as AAA
User can perform action
File test-file.png from /home/ubuntu was added to storage
User can perform action
File test-file.png was removed from storage
User can perform action
File test-file.png was downloaded from storage
Logging out
Logging in as BBB
User can not perform action
User can not perform action
User can not perform action


abstract class ReadFileAbstract
    protected $fileName;
    protected $contents;
    public function getFileName()
        return $this->fileName;
    public function setFileName($fileName)
        $this->fileName = $fileName;
    public function getContents()
        return $this->contents;

lass ReadFile extends ReadFileAbstract
    const DOCUMENTS_PATH = "/home/simon";
    public function __construct($fileName)
        $this->contents = file_get_contents(self::DOCUMENTS_PATH . "/" . $this->fileName);
class ReadFileProxy extends ReadFileAbstract
    private $file;
    public function __construct($fileName)
        $this->fileName = $fileName;
    public function lazyLoad()
        if ($this->file === null) {
            $this->file = new ReadFile($this->fileName);
        return $this->file;

// usage
$proxies = array();
for ($i = 0; $i < 10; $i++) {
    // tell the proxy which file should be read (when lazy loaded)
    $proxies[$i] = new ReadFileProxy("file" . $i . ".txt");
// Now it's time to read the contents of file3.txt
$file3 = $proxies[3]->lazyLoad();
// echo the contents of file3.txt
echo $file3->getContents();