[Dtrace NFS snippets] Scripts and One-liners gathering data about NFS operations and performance #tags: nfs, nfsv3, nfsv4, latency, nfs operations
dtrace -qn'
typ["op-access-done"] = "A";
typ["op-create-done"] = "C";
typ["op-getattr-done"] = "G";
typ["op-read-done"] = "R";
typ["op-write-done"] = "W";
tick-5sec {
ts = walltimestamp;
nfsv3:::op-write-done {
this->path = args[1]->noi_curpath == NULL ?
"<Unknown>" : args[1]->noi_curpath;
nfsv3:::op-write-done /ts && strstr(this->path, "vmdk")!=0 / {
@[ts, typ[probename], this->path] = count();
data = 1;
tick-60sec /data/ {
trunc(@, 10);
printa("%Y,%s,%s,%@d\n", @);
data = 0;
dtrace -qn '
* Measure how random or sequential NFSv3 IO is, and bucket it by
* client IP address. Print results every 5 seconds by default.
* Uncomment lines with @h aggregates to get histograms which show
* common offsets. This is a good way to know just how sequential
* sequential IO is, and in what offsets it is happening, i.e. 4K, 64K, etc.
int offset[string, string];
int lastdelta[string, string];
int havedata;
map["op-read-start"] = "R";
map["op-write-start"] = "W";
/!offset[map[probename], args[0]->ci_remote]/ {
offset[map[probename], args[0]->ci_remote] = args[2]->offset;
lastdelta[map[probename], args[0]->ci_remote] = 0;
/* Previous offset is greater than this offset */
/offset[map[probename], args[0]->ci_remote] > args[2]->offset/ {
this->dist = offset[map[probename], args[0]->ci_remote] - args[2]->offset;
/* @h[map[probename], args[0]->ci_remote] = quantize(this->dist); */
@seq[map[probename], args[0]->ci_remote] =
sum(this->dist == lastdelta[map[probename], args[0]->ci_remote]);
@rand[map[probename], args[0]->ci_remote] =
sum(this->dist != lastdelta[map[probename], args[0]->ci_remote]);
offset[map[probename], args[0]->ci_remote] = args[2]->offset;
lastdelta[map[probename], args[0]->ci_remote] = this->dist;
havedata = 1;
/* Previous offset is less than this offset */
/offset[map[probename], args[0]->ci_remote] < args[2]->offset/ {
this->dist = args[2]->offset - offset[map[probename], args[0]->ci_remote];
/* @h[map[probename], args[0]->ci_remote] = quantize(this->dist); */
@seq[map[probename], args[0]->ci_remote] =
sum(this->dist == lastdelta[map[probename], args[0]->ci_remote]);
@rand[map[probename], args[0]->ci_remote] =
sum(this->dist != lastdelta[map[probename], args[0]->ci_remote]);
offset[map[probename], args[0]->ci_remote] = args[2]->offset;
lastdelta[map[probename], args[0]->ci_remote] = this->dist;
havedata = 1;
tick-5sec /havedata/ {
printa("%s,%s,%@d,%@d\n", @rand, @seq);
trunc(@rand); trunc(@seq);
/* trunc(@h); */
havedata = 0;
dtrace -qn'
#pragma D option aggsize=16m
#pragma D option bufsize=8m
#pragma D option dynvarsize=8m
string typ[string];
typ["op-access-done"] = "A";
typ["op-create-done"] = "C";
typ["op-getattr-done"] = "G";
typ["op-read-done"] = "R";
typ["op-write-done"] = "W";
* Ignoring all R/W IOs less than 1K. If doing some really tiny <1K IOs,
* lets pretend these IOs did not happen.
nfsv3:::op-write-start /args[2]->count > 1 << 10/ { self->bytes = args[2]->count ; }
nfsv3:::op-access-start, nfsv3:::op-create-start, nfsv3:::op-getattr-start,
nfsv3:::op-read-start, nfsv3:::op-write-start
self->src_addr = args[0]->ci_remote;
tm[self->src_addr, args[1]->noi_xid] = timestamp;
self->have_path = args[1]->noi_curpath == NULL ? 0 : 1;
/* We should make sure we handle empty value as well */
self->path = args[1]->noi_curpath != "" ?
args[1]->noi_curpath : "NOPATH";
* Continue to ignore any R/W IOs that are less than 1K.
nfsv3:::op-read-done, nfsv3:::op-write-done
/self->have_path &&
tm[self->src_addr, args[1]->noi_xid] &&
self->bytes > 1 << 10
typ[probename], self->path] = count();
typ[probename], self->path] =
avg((timestamp - tm[self->src_addr, args[1]->noi_xid]) / 1000);
typ[probename], self->path] = sum(self->bytes);
nfsv3:::op-access-done, nfsv3:::op-create-done, nfsv3:::op-getattr-done /self->have_path && tm[self->src_addr, args[1]->noi_xid]/
typ[probename], self->path] =
typ[probename], self->path] =
avg((timestamp - tm[self->src_addr, args[1]->noi_xid]) / 1000);
typ[probename], self->path] =
nfsv3:::op-write-done {
/* Zero out things to make sure we avoid issues with dynvar drops */
self->bytes = 0;
self->have_path = 0;
tm[self->src_addr, args[1]->noi_xid] = 0;
self->src_addr = 0;
self->path = 0;
tick-1sec /data/
* Shrink each aggregation to 100 observations first, then print those
* 100 observations, which will not mean we are limited to 100 unique
* connection addresses, or 100 unique paths. As it stands, aggregations
* right now use a tuple for their key, which is a set of three values:
* client address, command, path. This means that in theory we could have:
* (client address) x (command) x (path) number of unique keys.
trunc(@ios, 100); trunc(@lat_us, 100); trunc(@s, 100);
printa("%s,%s,%s,%@d,%@d,%@d\n", @ios, @lat_us, @s);
trunc(@ios); trunc(@lat_us); trunc(@s);
data = 0;
dtrace -qn '
inline const int NORM_KB = 1024;
inline const int NS_S = 1000000000;
inline const int NS_MS = 1000000;
inline const int NS_US = 1000;
int cnt, realtm, start, epoch;
self int nfs_r;
#pragma D option aggsize=16m
#pragma D option bufsize=50m
#pragma D option dynvarsize=50m
"io.type", "runtime.ms", "min.lat", "max.lat", "avg.lat",
"max.io.size", "iops", "throughput.KBps",
"512b.ct", "1024b.ct", "2048b.ct", "4096b.ct", "8192b.ct",
"16384b.ct", "32768b.ct", "65536b.ct", "131072b.ct",
"volatile", "fsync", "dsync", "arc.hit.ct", "arc.miss.ct",
"arc.size.av", "arc.size.min", "arc.size.max", "arc.mru.size.av",
"arc.mru.size.min", "arc.mru.size.max", "arc.mfu.size.av",
"arc.mfu.size.min", "arc.mfu.size.max", "total.ios", "avg.bytes.per.us"
hdr = 1;
epoch = timestamp;
start = timestamp;
/* How stable data is expected to be. */
stable_how[0] = "NOSYNC";
stable_how[1] = "DSYNC";
stable_how[2] = "FSYNC";
ts = walltimestamp;
tick-1sec /(timestamp - epoch) >= 0 && cnt > 0/ {
realtm = timestamp - epoch; /* Update real time passed since last sample. */
tick-1sec /!cnt/ {
/* Set realtime to 0 as first run, to make sure first reported line starts
* at 0 and increments from there. This should only happen once.
realtm = 0;
nfsv4:::op-read-start {
/* If this is a read, increment counter by one, else leave previous value */
self->nfs_r += probename == "op-read-start" ? 1 : 0;
tm[args[0]->ci_remote, args[1]->noi_xid] = timestamp;
opsz[args[0]->ci_remote, args[1]->noi_xid] = args[2]->count;
flag[args[0]->ci_remote, args[1]->noi_xid] = 0;
* sdt:::arc-hit and sdt:::arc-miss give info on direct users of the arc
* if arc-miss, then we do an I/O.
* Unfortunately, we cannot directly correlate a NFS Read with event in the
* ARC, at least not easily.
* We are likely to miss at least some ARC hits and misses here, but this
* should be good enough to get a sense for hits and misses in general.
sdt:::arc-miss /self->nfs_r/ { @arcm["R"] = count(); }
sdt:::arc-hit /self->nfs_r/ { @arch["R"] = count(); }
::arc_read:entry {
this->cmd = self->nfs_r ? "R" : "W";
@arcszmin[this->cmd] = min(`arc_stats.arcstat_size.value.i64);
@arcszmax[this->cmd] = max(`arc_stats.arcstat_size.value.i64);
@arcszav[this->cmd] = avg(`arc_stats.arcstat_size.value.i64);
@arcmruszmin[this->cmd] = min(`arc_stats.arcstat_mru_size.value.i64);
@arcmruszmax[this->cmd] = max(`arc_stats.arcstat_mru_size.value.i64);
@arcmruszav[this->cmd] = avg(`arc_stats.arcstat_mru_size.value.i64);
@arcmfuszmin[this->cmd] = min(`arc_stats.arcstat_mfu_size.value.i64);
@arcmfuszmax[this->cmd] = max(`arc_stats.arcstat_mfu_size.value.i64);
@arcmfuszav[this->cmd] = avg(`arc_stats.arcstat_mfu_size.value.i64);
nfsv3:::op-write-start {
flag[args[0]->ci_remote,args[1]->noi_xid] = args[2]->stable;
nfsv4:::op-write-start {
flag[args[0]->ci_remote,args[1]->noi_xid] = args[2]->stable;
tm[args[0]->ci_remote,args[1]->noi_xid] = timestamp;
opsz[args[0]->ci_remote,args[1]->noi_xid] = args[2]->data_len;
/tm[args[0]->ci_remote,args[1]->noi_xid]/ {
/* Total time from start of operation to end of same operation. */
this->delta = (timestamp - tm[args[0]->ci_remote, args[1]->noi_xid]);
* Flag indicates volatility mode for this operation, i.e.
* `Unstable`, `Data Sync`, or `File Sync`.
this->flag = flag[args[0]->ci_remote,args[1]->noi_xid];
this->name = probename == "op-write-done" ? "W" : "R";
* This is a hack, it takes advantage of the fact that realtm value will
* always increase, and never decrease. Because we do not have an aggregate
* for storing only last value, this is the best we can do. We are
* effectively storing latest computed value.
@t[this->name] = max(realtm);
this->size = opsz[args[0]->ci_remote,args[1]->noi_xid];
this->buck = 512; /* We assume this is smallest possible size */
this->buck = ( this->size > 512 ) ? 1024 : this->buck ;
this->buck = ( this->size > 1024 ) ? 2048 : this->buck ;
this->buck = ( this->size > 2048 ) ? 4096 : this->buck ;
this->buck = ( this->size > 4096 ) ? 8192 : this->buck ;
this->buck = ( this->size > 8192 ) ? 16384 : this->buck ;
this->buck = ( this->size > 16384 ) ? 32768 : this->buck ;
this->buck = ( this->size > 32768 ) ? 65536 : this->buck ;
this->buck = ( this->size > 65536 ) ? 0x20000 : this->buck ;
this->buck = ( this->size > 0x20000 ) ? 0x40000 : this->buck ;
this->buck = ( this->size > 0x40000 ) ? 0x80000 : this->buck ;
this->buck = ( this->size > 0x80000 ) ? 0x100000 : this->buck ;
this->buck = ( this->size > 0x100000 ) ? 0x200000 : this->buck ;
@lmin[this->name] = min(this->delta);
@lmax[this->name] = max(this->delta);
@a[this->name] = avg(this->delta);
@maxiosz[this->name] = max(this->size);
@i[this->name] = count();
/* Average bytes per microsecond of IO time. */
this->bpus = this->delta > 0 ? (this->size*1000 / this->delta) : this->size;
@abus[this->name] = avg(this->bpus);
/* Do not normalize (@ios) to get total I/Os per interval. */
@ios[this->name] = count();
@b[this->name] = sum(opsz[args[0]->ci_remote, args[1]->noi_xid]);
@sz512[this->name] = sum(this->buck == 512 ? 1 : 0 );
@sz1024[this->name] = sum(this->buck == 1024 ? 1 : 0 );
@sz2048[this->name] = sum(this->buck == 2048 ? 1 : 0 );
@sz4096[this->name] = sum(this->buck == 4096 ? 1 : 0 );
@sz8192[this->name] = sum(this->buck == 8192 ? 1 : 0 );
@sz16384[this->name] = sum(this->buck == 16384 ? 1 : 0 );
@sz32768[this->name] = sum(this->buck == 32768 ? 1 : 0 );
@sz65536[this->name] = sum(this->buck == 65536 ? 1 : 0 );
@sz131072[this->name] = sum(this->buck == 131072 ? 1 : 0 );
* There is an aggregate for each possible flag, and we are counting
* number of occurrences of each, reporting each as a separate field.
@nos[this->name] = sum(this->flag == 0 ? 1 : 0 );
@fs[this->name] = sum(this->flag == 1 ? 1 : 0 );
@ds[this->name] = sum(this->flag == 2 ? 1 : 0 );
tm[args[0]->ci_remote,args[1]->noi_xid] = 0;
opsz[args[0]->ci_remote,args[1]->noi_xid] = 0;
flag[args[0]->ci_remote,args[1]->noi_xid] = 0;
self->nfs_r -= probename == "op-read-done" ? 1 : 0;
tick-1sec /(timestamp - start) > 0 && cnt/ {
* Normalizing by 1024 can introduce sample error when the value being
* divided is less than 1024. Since there is no floating point division,
* resulting value will be 0, which if data is routinely less than 1024,
* can create a serious discontinuity between real data and normalized
* data.
normalize(@lmin, NS_US);
normalize(@lmax, NS_US);
normalize(@a, NS_US);
normalize(@b, NORM_KB);
normalize(@t, NS_MS);
@t, @lmin, @lmax, @a, @maxiosz, @i, @b,
@sz512, @sz1024, @sz2048, @sz4096, @sz8192, @sz16384,
@sz32768, @sz65536, @sz131072, @nos, @fs, @ds,
@arch, @arcm, @arcszav, @arcszmin, @arcszmax,
@arcmruszav, @arcmruszmin, @arcmruszmax, @arcmfuszav, @arcmfuszmin, @arcmfuszmax, @ios, @abus);
* Truncate aggregations and re-set timestamp for next sampling period.
trunc(@t); trunc(@lmin); trunc(@lmax); trunc(@a); trunc(@maxiosz); trunc(@i);
trunc(@b); trunc(@sz512); trunc(@sz1024); trunc(@sz2048); trunc(@sz4096);
trunc(@sz8192); trunc(@sz16384); trunc(@sz32768); trunc(@sz65536);
trunc(@sz131072); trunc(@nos); trunc(@fs); trunc(@ds);
trunc(@ios); trunc(@abus); trunc(@arch); trunc(@arcm);
trunc(@arcszav); trunc(@arcszmin); trunc(@arcszmax);
trunc(@arcmruszav); trunc(@arcmruszmin); trunc(@arcmruszmax);
trunc(@arcmfuszav); trunc(@arcmfuszmin); trunc(@arcmfuszmax);
start = timestamp;
// What is the recordsize of operations, both reads and writes?
dtrace -qn 'nfsv3:::op-commit-start,nfsv3:::op-read-start,nfsv3:::op-write-start {@[probename=="op-write-start" ? "W" : "R"] = quantize(args[2]->count);}'
dtrace -n '
command["op-commit-start"] = "COMMIT";
command["op-read-start"] = "READ";
command["op-write-start"] = "WRITE";
@[command[probename], args[1]->noi_curpath] = quantize(args[2]->count);
tick-5sec {
trunc(@, 5); printa(@); trunc(@);