function deepIsEqual(first, second) {
// If first and second are the same type and have the same value
// Useful if strings or other primitive types are compared
if (first === second) return true;
// Try a quick compare by seeing if the length of properties are the same
let firstProps = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(first);
let secondProps = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(second);
// Check different amount of properties
if (firstProps.length !== secondProps.length) return false;
// Go through properties of first object
for (var i = 0; i < firstProps.length; i++) {
let prop = firstProps[i];
// Check the type of property to perform different comparisons
switch (typeof first[prop]) {
// If it is an object, decend for deep compare
case 'object':
if (!deepIsEqual(first[prop], second[prop])) return false;
case 'number':
// with JavaScript NaN != NaN so we need a special check
if (isNaN(first[prop]) && isNaN(second[prop])) break;
if (first[prop] !== second[prop]) return false;
return true;